Over 200 pages of up-to-date documentation is at your fingertips. Our docs are context-sensitive so you can click on any screen in your liveSite admin panel and get answers right from where you are.
Get access to our knowledgeable team of liveSite professionals who are standing by to answer your questions and help you get the most out of your liveSite website.
Our liveSite server team monitors your liveSite around the clock to make sure your website is up and running. Our proprietary monitoring systems alert our team of any potential issues, and in most cases, they any issues resolved before it ever affects your website.
Dozens of tutorial videos are available to help you with every aspect of liveSite. New videos are created with each new software update so you can quickly begin to use the new features to improve your website.
No software or plugin to hassle with. We provide free software updates with new feature enhancements and fixes applied to your liveSite automatically, so you are always running the most current version.
We have a rich history of securing and managing large ecommerce and financial institution websites, we are part of a network of responsible hosting providers that share real-time data on more than a million known malicious servers and block their access to your liveSite.
Get inspired browsing this reference site where all types of apps are pre-built. Learn best practices and how liveSite features work together. Even better, try out new features without messing with your own production liveSite.
We keep daily, weekly, and monthly backups of your liveSite software, database & files so we can provide customized restoral services based on scope and timing.
Our liveSite servers are hosted at secure Tier-1 data centers and employ a multi-server architecture to maximize performance and minimize bottlenecks. We also developed our own SuperCache technology, specifically designed to boost performance of liveSite websites.