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Organization Name:
Enter your organization's name that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization Address 1:
Enter your organization's street address (line 1) that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization Address 2:
Enter your organization's street address (line 2) that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization City:
Enter your organization's city that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization State:
Enter your organization's state/province that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization Zip Code:
Enter your organization's zip/postal code that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
NOTE: This Zip Code is also used for the Real-Time Rates shipping method feature as the "origin zip code" required by the shipping carriers. v2017.1
Organization Country:
Enter your organization's country that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Opt-In Label:
This is the text message that is displayed next to the opt-in check box on E-mail Preferences, Billing Information, and Express Order Pages where Contact's can choose to opt-in to receive any future e-mail Campaigns.

NOTE: The opt-in check box only appears on the Billing Information and Express Order Pages if a Contact does not exist for the Visitor (e.g. new visitor) or if the Visitor is opted-out, so that Visitors are not encouraged to opt-out. Also, the opt-in check box is always checked by default.
Plain Text Footer:

This is a text message that will appear by default near the bottom of all plain text campaigns. For example, you might want to enter a common signature that you want to appear for all Campaigns. You can include full web addresses (e.g. in this message in order to add links. Most email clients will convert the web addresses to links.

When a User creates a Campaign or a Campaign Profile this message will be automatically entered into the body. The User may then edit or remove this message for each individual Campaign or Campaign Profile.

The message you enter here will appear above the required footer that contains your organization's contact info and the email preferences link. Spacing will be automatically added above and below this message, so you do not need to enter spacing here.

Please be aware that if you update this message, the updated message will only be available to Campaigns or Campaign Profiles that are created in the future. You can edit the body of the Campaign or Campaign Profile in order to update the footer for items that were created in the past.

Found in Site Settings

Edit Form Item View

Update this Page's display of select data from a single Submitted Form. (It must be linked to from a Form List View Page.)

Copy existing Custom Form fields from the top of the Page and paste them in the layout area. The layout area expects HTML, so you should add HTML tags around content and fields (e.g. <p>^^example^^</p>).

Use the following URL format to link to files and embed images:

/^^example^^ , where example is a form field that contains the name of the File uploaded.

Use the following format to output different content depending on whether there is a value or not:

[[He entered ^^name^^ as his name.||He did not enter a name.]]

You can use the following format to customize the date format for date and date & time fields. The format can either be a PHP date format or "relative" for a relative time (e.g. "2 minutes ago", "2 minutes from now").


^^submitted_date_and_time^^%%l, F j, Y \a\t g:i A%%

NOTE: For "relative" date/time formatting, once the date goes beyond one month, the full date and/or time is displayed.

The date & time will generally match the exact date & time that was entered into the Submitted Form. The date & time is not adjusted for the User's timezone and a timezone abbreviation is not automatically outputted with the date & time because it is not known which timezone the person had in mind when entering the date & time.

Alternatively, if you want the date & time to be adjusted for the User's timezone and you want a timezone abbreviation to appear, then you may include a timezone character in the format mentioned above. Use "T" for an abbreviation (e.g. CST) or "e" for a full name (e.g. US/Central).

System Fields

System Fields are fields that are available to include in your layout that are automatically created for all Submitted Form data.

  • ^^complete^^: If a Submitted Form is Complete, then "Complete" will be shown. Otherwise, a Submitted Form is Incomplete, so no value will be shown. You can use content like the following to show a different value based on whether the status is Complete or Incomplete.


    Incomplete Submitted Forms can exist when the Custom Form save-for-later feature is enabled and the Submitter clicks the "Save for Later" button.
  • ^^number_of_views^^: The total number of times that a Submitted Form has been viewed by Visitors on a Form Item View Page. This value is unique to the combination of the Submitted Form and the Form Item View. For example, a Submitted Form might appear on two different Form Item View Pages, and so the number of views might be different for each Page.
Form Fields

Form Fields are fields that were created on the Custom Form that the Form List View Page is associated with (through it's Page Properties).

Although they are not listed under Form Fields, you may also include information fields in the layout, so that they will appear when a Submitted Form is edited on the Form Item View. Information fields are areas of content on the Custom Form that do not actually collect data from the Submitter. For example, if the information field name is "example" then you may include ^^example^^ in the layout. The information field will not appear when the Submitted Form is being viewed. It will only appear when the Submitted Form is being edited.

Comment Fields

There are several system fields (see below) which allow you to display information about Comments that have be added to Submitted Forms. These fields can be used to setup a forum that shows the number of replies and newest reply for various topics.

  • ^^number_of_comments^^: The total number of Comments that have been added to a Submitted Form.
  • ^^newest_comment_name^^: The name of the person who added the newest Comment. If the name field was left blank, then "Anonymous" will be displayed.
  • ^^newest_comment^^: A preview of the newest Comment (limited to 100 characters).
  • ^^newest_comment_date_and_time^^: The date and time that the newest Comment was added.
  • ^^newest_comment_id^^: The ID for the newest Comment. This field can be used to link directly to the newest Comment (see below).
  • ^^newest_activity_date_and_time^^: If a Comment does not exist, then this is the date and time that the Submitted Form was submitted. Otherwise, if a Comment does exists, then this is the date and time that the newest Comment was added.
  • ^^comment_attachments^^: This will output a comma-separated list of all of the Comment attachments for a Submitted Form on the Form Item View Page. Each attachment will be linked to the appropriate File. This allows someone to quickly view all of the attachments in one place, rather than having to scroll through all Comments. If there are no attachments, then the value will be blank.

Use the following URL format to link directly to the newest Comment:


NOTE: Form Item View Pages can contain two different Layouts when necessary to support any redesign of the Page. A notice will appear which explains this if you are viewing the Layout in Theme Preview Mode. See Page Styles for more info about Page Style Collections. v2017.1

Found in Pages

Edit Form List View

This screen allows you to layout the display of data from multiple submitted forms. This is one of the most powerful features of liveSite.

You can update the way this Page displays data from multiple Submitted Forms, and optionally link this Page to a Form Item View Page, that will display an individual submitted form, by using the ^^form_item_view^^ system field.


This is an optional field that allows you to enter HTML that will appear before the list of Submitted Forms. This field can be used in combination with the footer below to wrap HTML around the list of Submitted Forms. For example, you could enter <div class="example_wrapper"> for the header and </div> for the footer.

The content for this field is outputted directly above the list of Submitted Forms. For example, the content will appear below the search field that might exist. Also, the content for this field is only outputted if at least one Submitted Form appears. If there are no results, then the content is not outputted.

All available submitted form fields for display within View

All the available fields that can be displayed are listed, sandwiched between the double-caret (^^) which are used by liveSite to identify where to replace the fields with data when displaying the Page. Simply copy any of the fields (be sure to include the double-carets) into the Layout area.

System Fields

System Fields are fields that are available to include in your layout that are automatically created for all Submitted Form data.

  • ^^complete^^: If a Submitted Form is Complete, then "Complete" will be shown. Otherwise, a Submitted Form is Incomplete, so no value will be shown. You can use content like the following to show a different value based on whether the status is Complete or Incomplete.


    Incomplete Submitted Forms can exist when the Custom Form save-for-later feature is enabled and the Submitter clicks the "Save for Later" button.
  • ^^number_of_views^^: The total number of times that a Submitted Form has been viewed by Visitors on a Form Item View Page. This value is unique to the combination of the Submitted Form and the Form Item View. For example, a Submitted Form might appear on two different Form Item View Pages, and so the number of views might be different for each Page.
Form Fields

Form Fields are fields that were created on the Custom Form that the Form List View Page is associated with (through it's Page Properties).

Comment Fields

There are several system fields which allow you to display information about Comments that have be added to Submitted Forms. These fields can be used to setup a forum that shows the number of replies and newest reply for various topics.

  • ^^number_of_comments^^: The total number of Comments that have been added to a Submitted Form.
  • ^^newest_comment_name^^: The name of the person who added the newest Comment. If the name field was left blank, then "Anonymous" will be displayed.
  • ^^newest_comment^^: A preview of the newest Comment (limited to 100 characters).
  • ^^newest_comment_date_and_time^^: The date and time that the newest Comment was added.
  • ^^newest_comment_id^^: The ID for the newest Comment. This field can be used to link directly to the newest Comment (see below).
  • ^^newest_activity_date_and_time^^: If a Comment does not exist, then this is the date and time that the Submitted Form was submitted. Otherwise, if a Comment does exists, then this is the date and time that the newest Comment was added. If you are creating a forum then you will want to set the Order by to this field (descending), so that topics with the most recent activity will appear first in the list.
  • ^^comment_attachments^^: This will output a comma-separated list of all of the Comment attachments for a Submitted Form on the Form Item View Page. Each attachment will be linked to the appropriate File. This allows someone to quickly view all of the attachments in one place, rather than having to scroll through all Comments. If there are no attachments, then the value will be blank.

Use the following URL format to link directly to the newest Comment on the Form Item View Page:



Hints provide a quick way of cutting and pasting common layout values into your layout area.

Display layout of submitted form data fields within View

The Form List View Layout area, or "layout" is where you place your available fields to be replaced by the actual data fields from the Submitted Forms. The layout area represents a single submitted form's data. Think of this area as a row in a spreadsheet, or table. It will be output over and over until all the Submitted Forms are displayed. The layout area expects HTML, so you should add HTML tags around content and fields (e.g. <p>^^example^^</p>).

Linking to a Form Item View Page

Most of the time, you will not only want to display the Submitted Form data in a List, but also allow your site visitors to "drill into" the actual Submitted Form data and view additional fields that are not added to the layout itself. To do this, create a link in the layout and set the link URL to ^^form_item_view^^ (e.g. <a href="^^form_item_view^^">Example</a>). liveSite will then automatically create a URL. If the link does not work then make sure that a Form Item View Page is set in the page properties for this Form List View.

Displaying Conditional Information

You can display information within the layout area based on a value being available to display. For example, you may want to hide the label of the field if it is not present the Submitted Form data. Use the following format to output different content depending on whether there is a value or not:

[[There is a value: ^^example^^ || There is not a value]]

Link to File Upload Field Data

If you have created a Custom Form with File Upload fields on it, you will need to dynamically link to them through the layout. To do this, use the following URL format:

/^^example^^ , where example is a form field that contains the name of the File uploaded.

Displaying Date/Time Values

You want to format your date and time values in different ways for spacing or affect. liveSite allows you to use virtually any format you desire. To customize the date and time values for the available time and date fields, use the following format within your layout:


format can either be a PHP date format or "relative" for a relative time (e.g. "2 minutes ago", "2 minutes from now").

^^submitted_date_and_time^^%%l, F j, Y \a\t g:i A%%

NOTE: For "relative" date/time formatting, once the date goes beyond one month, the full date and/or time is displayed.

The date & time will generally match the exact date & time that was entered into the Submitted Form. The date & time is not adjusted for the User's timezone and a timezone abbreviation is not automatically outputted with the date & time because it is not known which timezone the person had in mind when entering the date & time.

Alternatively, if you want the date & time to be adjusted for the User's timezone and you want a timezone abbreviation to appear, then you may include a timezone character in the format mentioned above. Use "T" for an abbreviation (e.g. CST) or "e" for a full name (e.g. US/Central).


This is an optional field that allows you to enter HTML that will appear after the list of Submitted Forms. This field can be used in combination with the header above to wrap HTML around the list of Submitted Forms. For example, you could enter <div class="example_wrapper"> for the header and </div> for the footer.

The content for this field is outputted directly below the list of Submitted Forms. For example, the content will appear above pagination links that might exist. Also, the content for this field is only outputted if at least one Submitted Form appears. If there are no results, then the content is not outputted.

Sort order of submitted form data within View

You can sort the order in which the Submitted Form data (rows) are output. "Ascending" orders results from a-z/0-9, while "descending" orders results from z-a/9-0. Normally you will want to choose "alphabetical", however if the field you select contains only numbers (e.g. price, square footage), then you will want to select "numerical", so the results appear in the correct order. Numerical ordering works for both integer numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3) and decimal numbers (e.g. 0.75, 1.25, 10.333).

NOTE: "Random" sort order is only available for the first sort order option but is useful if you want the rows of Submitted Form data to be displayed in a random order each time the Page is displayed.

Limit the amount of data within each View Page

You can limit the nuber of Submitted Forms (data rows) are displayed on the page. If you don't set the Maximum Number of Results Per Page, then liveSite will output pagination navigation automatically.

Define what submitted form data can be displayed by the View

You can add filters that define exactly which Submitted Forms (data rows) are displayed on the Page.

If you only want to show Complete Submitted Forms then you can add a filter like "[Complete] [is equal to] [Complete]". Alternatively, if you only want to show Incomplete Submitted Forms then you can add a filter like "[Complete] [is not equal to] [Complete]". If you want to show both Complete & Incomplete Submitted Forms, then you can simply not add a filter for the Complete field.

TIP: If you want to limit the Submitted Forms that are shown based on who the Viewer is (e.g. show a customer only his/her support tickets), then we recommend using the "Viewer Filter" feature on the Edit Page Properties screen for this Form List View.

Search & Browse

Allow Visitor to search data

Enable Search:

Check this to add a search box to the Form List View Page. Search will allow the Visitor to enter a keyword and liveSite will search all (filtered) Form List View data for the keyword and display the resulting Submitted Form data (rows) that contain that keyword.

NOTE: The keyword search will search all system and custom form fields, not just fields that appear in the display layout above.


Enter the text that you want to appear as a placeholder in the search field. Once the Visitor starts to type their search, then the label will disappear from the search field. The label will reappear if they remove their search.

You can set this to something general like "Search" or something more specific like "Search Blog". You can also remove the label, if you want the search field to be empty by default.

This label is also used for the tooltip title that appears when a Visitor hovers their cursor over the search icon.

Enable Advanced Search:

Check this to allow the Visitor to search specific fields. A toggle button (i.e. +/-) will appear that allows the Visitor to expand or collapse the advanced search. The Visitor may use the keyword search and advanced search at the same time. You may define the fields that are available in the layout below.

The results will only be filtered for the advanced search fields that the Visitor completes. If a Visitor leaves a field blank, then that field will be ignored.

In general, fields will appear as they are defined in the Custom Form Field properties. For example, if a field has a text box type, then it will appear as a text box in the advanced search. There are some exceptions to this. For example, a text area field will appear in the advanced search as a text box, because the Visitor will not need a full text area to enter a search term. Also, dynamic fields will always appear as a pick list.

If a default/blank option does not exist for pick lists and radio button sets, a default/blank option will be added to the top of the lists. This allows a Visitor to leave the default option selected in order to ignore a field if he/she does not want to filter that field.

Expand by Default:

Check this if you want the advanced search area to be expanded when the Visitor first visits this Page, in order to draw attention to it. This prevents the Visitor from having to click the toggle to expand the advanced search. If you check this, the expand by default setting for the browse feature will be disabled because both areas cannot be expanded at the same time.

Layout of fields in advanced search


Use this field to define the layout for the advanced search fields. You will want to include a label for each field and then copy a field from the lists above and paste into the layout. You can use a table in order to align multiple fields. You will also want to include a submit button, and optionally a clear button, which you can also copy from the lists above.

If you are using a custom layout to define the HTML for your advanced search fields, and not using this layout field for the presentation, you will still need to include each field in this layout (e.g. {{name: 'example'}}). liveSite uses the fields that are included in this layout field to prepare the advanced search feature. In this case, it is not necessary to enter HTML around the fields, since the HTML will be included in your custom layout. You may simply list the fields in this layout field.

You may add additional properties to any field. The available properties appear below. "name" is the only required property.


Use this to add a CSS class to a field.

Example: {{name: 'example', class: 'example'}}


Set this property to "true" if you want the field to appear as a pick list of values from Submitted Forms. This property is disabled by default. Do not wrap value in quotes.

Example: {{name: 'example', dynamic: true}}

Dynamic fields allow the visitor to easily select values to search for, without having to type a keyword. This is useful for fields that might not be pick lists on the Custom Form (e.g. text box), however you can also use this feature for pick list fields, if you only want actual submitted values to appear as options.

Once the visitor selects a dynamic field, then the options in other dynamic fields will be updated to only contain relevant options. For example, if there are dynamic fields for country & city, then if the visitor selects "United States" for the country, then the city field will be updated to only contain cities in the United States. This helps prevent the visitor from selecting a combination of options that do not have any results.

If the field on the Custom Form contains choices (e.g. pick list, radio button, check box), then the options in the dynamic field will appear in the same order. If there is a submitted value that no longer appears as a choice on the Custom Form, then it will appear at the bottom of the pick list. If the field does not contain choices (e.g. text box), then you can use the "sort_order" property (described below) to set "ascending" or "descending" alphabetical order. "ascending" is the default.

Once a visitor selects a dynamic field, then a clear button will automatically appear to the right of the field. You do not need to enter anything into the layout for this clear button. It will automatically appear. However, if you are using a custom layout then you will need to include a clear button with the appropriate classes.

The options for the dynamic field are prepared in a case-insensitive way. For example, if one Submitted Form contains a value of "Apple" for a field, and a different Submitted Form contains a value of "apple" for the same field, then they will be grouped together as one "Apple" option.

If you want the label and dynamic field to be hidden if there are no relevant options to be shown, then you must surround the label and dynamic field with a container, with a specific class. There might be no relevant options to show if there are no submitted values for a field, or if a visitor selects one dynamic field which results in there being no relevant options for another dynamic field. The container should contain the following class: [page_id]_[field_name]_row. Replace [page_id] with the Form List View Page ID and replace [field_name] with the field name. Please see example below.

<div class="123_country_row">
    label and field go here

You may add this container and class to the layout field on this screen or, if you are using a custom layout, you may add it to your custom layout HTML.


Set this property to "false" to hide format instructions for time fields (e.g. Format: h:mm AM/PM). The available values are "true" and "false". Help is set to "true", by default. Do not wrap value in quotes.

Example: {{name: 'example', help: false}}


Use this to set the label for submit and clear buttons. By default, the submit button label is set to "Search" and the clear button label is set to "Clear".

Example: {{name: 'submit_button', label: 'Submit'}}


Use this to set the name for the field that you want the Visitor to be able to search. This is the only required property.

Example: {{name: 'example'}}


Use this property to customize the filter for a field. The available operators appear below. "contains" is the default.

  • contains
  • does not contain
  • is equal to
  • is not equal to
  • is less than
  • is less than or equal to
  • is greater than
  • is greater than or equal to

For example, if your Form List View is showing a list of apartments and you want Visitors to be able to enter a square footage range that they are interested in, you could enter the following in your layout.

From {{name: 'square_footage', operator: 'is greater than or equal to'}} to {{name: 'square_footage', operator: 'is less than or equal to'}} sq. ft.


Use this to set the size of a field. This property only applies to fields that appear as text boxes and pick lists. For text boxes, the size affects the width of the field. For pick lists, the size affects the height. If this property is not set, then it will use the size value from the Custom Form Field property. Do not wrap value in quotes.

Example: {{name: 'example', size: 40}}


This property is used to set the alphabetical order for dynamic fields. Set it to "ascending" for a-z order or "descending" for z-a order. "ascending" is the default.

Example: {{name: 'example', dynamic: true, sort_order: 'descending'}}

Allow Visitor to browse data

Enable Browse:

Check this to display a pick list that will allow Visitors to browse data by Custom Form Fields. The pick list will contain a list of Custom Form Fields that you may select below. Once the Visitor selects a Custom Form Field, a list of available browse filters will appear in columns in a table. The browse filters that appear are all of the unique values that exist in Submitted Forms for that field. The Visitor can then click on a browse filter in order to filter the Submitted Form results that appear on this Page.

The label for the fields in the pick list comes from the label for the corresponding Custom Form Field. If a colon appears on the end of the label, then it is removed.

The order of the fields in the pick list is defined by the order for the fields in the Custom Form. You will have to reorder the fields in the Custom Form to affect their order in the pick list.

A field will not appear in the pick list if there are no browse filters for that field (i.e. no values appear in Submitted Forms for that field).

Only values for a field that exist in Submitted Forms will appear as browse filters. For example, if there is an option in a pick list field that has not been selected for any Submitted Forms, then it will not appear as a browse filter.

Although you may enable both browse and search, the Visitor must choose between browsing and searching at any given time. The Visitor may not combine browsing with searching.

Expand by Default:

Select a browse field that you want to be selected by default when a Visitor first visits this Page, in order to draw attention to it. This will expand the browse area by default. You may leave this pick list unselected if you do not want the browse feature to be expanded by default. Please be aware that you must also check the corresponding field in the "Select fields" area down below. Also, a value must exist for the selected field in at least one Submitted Form (i.e. the field cannot be left blank in all Submitted Forms if you want this feature to work).

NOTE: If you select an option for this field, the expand by default setting for the advanced search feature will be disabled because both areas cannot be expanded at the same time.

TIP: You also can create a link to this page, using query string parameters, in order to set a browse field and filter by default:

/[page name]?[page id]_browse_field_id=[field id]&[page id]_browse_filter=[filter]

Replace [page name] with the Page name. Replace [page id] with the Page id. You can get the Page id, by editing the page properties and looking in the address bar. Replace [field id] with the Custom Form Field id. You can get the Custom Form Field id by editing the field in the Custom Form and then looking in the address bar. Replace [filter] with the browse filter value.

Select Fields:

Check the fields that you want to include in the browse pick list. Text area fields with rich-text editor enabled and information fields will not appear in the list, because they are not valid browse fields.

The columns field allows you to set the maximum number of columns that you want the browse filters to appear in. If the browse filters tend to be long, then you might want fewer columns, however if the browse filters are short, then you might want more columns. Please be aware that the value you enter for this field is the maximum number of columns, so fewer columns might appear in some situations.

Select the order that you want the browse filters to appear in. "Ascending" orders filters from a-z/0-9, while "descending" orders filters from z-a/9-0. For date fields, "ascending" orders filters from oldest to most recent, while "descending" orders filters from most recent to oldest.

Check the shortcut check box if you want the browse filters for that field to link directly to the Submitted Form on the Form Item View Page instead of refreshing this Form List View Page and showing the result. The shortcut will only be used if there is only one result for the browse filter. You must set a Form Item View on the Edit Page Properties screen for this Form List View Page in order for the shortcut to work.

For "date" and "date & time" fields, you may enter a format for the date. This allows you to customize the way that the date is displayed. The format must follow the syntax for the PHP date format. See examples below.

"l, F j, Y \a\t g:i A" for "Friday, May 24, 2013 at 3:00 PM"
"F Y" for "May 2013"

Most of the date characters that PHP supports are supported in this feature. If you want a character to literally appear instead of being converted into a date value, then place a "\" character before it (see example above for "at").

Another benefit of the date format is that it allows you to group date values together. For example, if you have a blog and you want a list of months (with years) to appear in order to create a blog archive, you can simply enter "F Y" and then you will get a list like the following: January 2013, February 2013, March 2013. Your blog form would need to have a "publish date" custom field in order for this to work.

You may leave the format field empty if you just want the default format (e.g. 5/24/2013 3:00 PM).

Show all results before Visitor filters results by browsing or searching

Show Results by Default:

If you want Submitted Forms to appear in a list on this Page before the Visitor browses or searches, then check this check box. If you leave this field unchecked, then the Visitor will receive a message when they first visit the Page that instructs the Visitor to first browse or search. Once the Visitor browses or searches, then results will appear.

NOTE: Form List View Pages can contain two different Layouts when necessary to support any redesign of the Page. A notice will appear which explains this if you are viewing the Layout in Theme Preview Mode. The following fields are affected by the Page Style Collection:

  • Header
  • Layout
  • Footer
  • Advanced Search Layout

See Page Styles for more info about Page Style Collections. v2017.1

Found in Pages

All My Files

This screen displays all the Files that you have access to, except archived Files (see All My Archived Files).

Viewing & Editing Files

You can view and edit any File you have access to by selecting the File from any of the Files screens, which are grouped by File Type.  Some of the File's properties are also visible.

NOTE: Design Files are displayed in a light gray color. If you are a Site Designer, then you can click on the filename as a shortcut to access the Design File directly from this screen.

Searching Files

You can enter a search term in the box on this screen and search for any File by it's properties. (File content is excluded from the search).

Modifying Files

You can modify the Folder and design property, if you are a Site Designer, for one or more Files by selecting the Files you wish to modify and clicking "Modify Selected". Since access control is handled by the File's Folder, modifying the File allows you to easily protect a File.

You can also optimize any image files selected by selecting the "Optimize Images" checkbox that appears in the Modify Files dialog window. liveSite will attempt to reduce the image file size without compromising the image quality. If any files selected are not image files or have already been optimized, liveSite will not attempt to optimize them. v2017.1

WARNING: Since changing a File's Folder affects its access control, you can accidentally make a Private File accessible or a Public File inaccessible to others attempting to view the File. Keep this in mind when moving Files among Folders.

Creating Files

To create a File, click on "Upload Files".

Deleting Files

To delete a File from the web server, select the File you wish to delete and click "Delete Selected".

NOTE: If you delete a File, any links or references to the File will need to be updated.

WARNING: Take care when deleting Files, there is no undo.

Optimizing Files

The speed at which your web pages load impacts the usability and success of your website. Web designers know this and will typically optimized their design images before launching a website. However, once the site is launched many content editors don't know how or take the time to optimize images — making web pages painfully slow which leads to early exits for impatient site visitors. v2017.1

liveSite now has a built in image optimization feature that anyone with edit access or above can use to quickly compress any image file without losing it's quality. You can optimize images one at a time, or select up to 100 images to compress at a time. You can optimize images you already uploaded in a previous version of liveSite too so you can see instant improvement of your existing website performance. liveSite does not automatically optimized all images because there are times when you may need to store and share the original hi-res image file so we leave the choice up to you.

To optimize a single image, edit any image file (.jpg, .png, .gif) in liveSite and an "Optimize" button will appear on the Button Bar of the Control Panel. Click the button and liveSite will optimize the original image file and replace it with the new optimized image. Some images optimize better than others, so if you are concerned about losing the original image file, make sure you have a backup of the file somewhere. This process typically takes 1-3 seconds. Your image file must be less than 5MB in size. If the image has already been optimized, liveSite will skip attempting to optimize it again.

To optimize several images at one time, go to the Pages tab, and then select "All My Photos" from the "Show" drop-down filter. Check the box next to each image file you wish to optimize and click "Modify Selected". Select the "Optimize Images" checkbox that appears in the Modify Files dialog window and click "Modify Files". If any files selected are not image files or have already been optimized, liveSite will not attempt to optimize them.

Found in Files

Edit File

Edit a File to the web server.  Here are the File Properties:

File Name

You can change the name of the File on the web server. The name must be unique among other Pages, Files, and Short Links. The name is not case-sensitive.

WARNING: If you change the File's name, any links or references to the File will need to be updated, so take great care in renaming Files.

File Access Control
This is the Folder that the file will be placed in.  The Folder's access control will dictate who can view or download the File.
Check if File is a Design File that is Managed by Site Designers
This property only appears for Site Designers. You can use this property to set whether this File is a Design File or not. Design Files may only be edited or deleted by Site Designers in order to prevent the design of a website from being accidentally altered.
File Description / Photo Gallery Caption
File Description:
Enter a description for this File. If you are going to include this File in a Photo Gallery, this is the caption that will appear below the Photo. This is also displayed next to Files in Folder Views.

WARNING: Text you enter here may be seen on your website if this image is selected for a Photo Gallery or this File appears in a Folder View so please keep that in mind.

NOTE: If the file being edited is an image file, and it has not been optimized yet, a button to optimize the file will appear in the Navigation Bar on this screen. v2017.1

Found in Files

Create / Edit User

This screen allow you to set each User's privileges as well as login as the user or reset and e-mail a new password to them:

User Account ID
Enter the name that this User will be known as throughout liveSite.  It must be a unique value among all other User accounts. Users can login with their email address or username.
Send User to a Specific Page on Login
User Start Page:
When this User logs in, if they are not attempting to access a Page or File, they will be taken to this Page.

TIP: This feature is useful, for example,  if you what all of your staff to login through a Login Page and go directly to your staff portal home page.  You can also set this value whenever a Customer orders a particular Product.

None: If the Role is not "User", and they are not logging in to access any restricted Page or File, they will be directed to the "Welcome" page of the Control Panel upon log in.
Email for Login & Password Retrieval
User E-mail Address:
Enter this User's e-mail address. Users can login with their email address or username.

NOTE: Each User must have an e-mail address and the e-mail address must be different from all other User's e-mail addresses. liveSite uses this e-mail address to send their temporary password, and also to associate the User with their (optional) Contact for pre-filling Custom Form Pages, My Account Pages, and Commerce Pages.
Set Default Privileges for User Account
User Role:
The Role sets the level of privileges for this User.

NOTE: If you select "Administrator", "Designer", or "Manager", the remaining fields on this screen are hidden because these roles include all "User" privileges. The Site Settings and Site Log buttons will be visible on the Welcome Page.

For "Designers", the [DESIGN] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Content Management & Forms Management Rights
Allow User to view and edit pages, files, and custom forms within selected folders:
Select the website Folders that this User will have "edit" access to.  All Pages and Files placed in the selected Folders can be managed by the User. The [FOLDERS], [PAGES], and [FILES] tabs will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.

When you check a Folder, you are granting "edit" access to that Folder and all sub-folders (i.e. child Folders), regardless of the checked status of the sub-folders. Once you check the parent Folder, the status of the check boxes for sub-folders is ignored.
Also allow User to create/duplicate pages in selected folders:
For the Folders selected (above), allow this User to also create and duplicate Pages.

NOTE: If this is unchecked then the User will only be able to modify existing Pages that they have "edit" access to. They will be unable to create new Pages.
Also allow User to delete pages in selected folders:
For the Folders selected (above), allow this User to also delete Pages.

NOTE: If this is unchecked then the User will only be able to modify existing Pages that they have "edit" access to. They will be unable to delete Pages.
Also allow User to access submitted form data for selected folders:
For the Folders selected (above), allow this User to also manage any Submitted Forms collected. The [FORMS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Allow User to set the following page types for pages:
Select the Page Types that this User will be able to set for their Pages. This can be used to prevent a User from creating certain Page Types if they should not need too.

NOTE: All Users have access to the Standard Page Type if they have "edit" access to the Page's Folder.
Shared Content Management Rights
Allow User to edit the content within the selected Common Regions:
Select the Common Regions that this User will have "edit" access to.

IMPORTANT: Since edit access to shared content is only allowed through editing a Page (if not a Manager Role), this feature requires that the User has edit access to at least one Folder that contains a Page that is associated with a Page Style that includes the Common Region.
Allow User to edit Menu Items within the selected Menus:
Select the Menus that this User will have "edit" access to.

NOTE: This feature gives the User access to edit the Menu Item's but not the Menu Properties.

IMPORTANT: Since edit access to shared content is only allowed through editing a Page (if not a Manager Role), this feature requires that the User has edit access to at least one Folder that contains a Page that is associated with a Page Style that includes the Menu Region.
Calendar Management Rights
Allow User to add events to one or more calendars:
Check this box if you would like this User to have access to manage all Calendar Events for the Calendars you select.  The [CALENDARS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Also allow User to publish calendar events for selected calendars:
For the Calendars selected (above), allow this User to also publish Calendar Events. In addition, if this field is checked, the User will be able to edit Calendar Events that have been published.
Visitor Report Management Rights
Allow User to manage all visitor reports:
Check this box if you would like this User to have access to create and view all Visitor Reports. The [VISITOR] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Contact Management & Campaign Management Rights
Allow User to view, edit, import, and export all contacts within any selected contact groups:
Check this box if you would like this User to have access to manage the Contacts in one or more Contact Groups that you select. The [CONTACTS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Allow User to send e-mail campaigns to any selected contact groups:
Check this box if you would like this User to have access to create and send  e-mail campaigns to one or more Contact Groups that you select. The [CAMPAIGNS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Commerce Management Rights
Allow User to manage all commerce (i.e. products, shipping, tax, and orders):
Check this box if you would like this User to have access to manage all e-commerce features.  The [COMMERCE] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Also allow User to view card data:
Check this box if you would like this User to be able to view credit/debit card numbers and verification numbers. If the User is not allowed to view card data then the card number and verification number will be protected (i.e. starred out except for the last 4 digits of the card number). The User will be able to see the card type, cardholder, and expiration date regardless of whether this check box is checked or not.

Card data is only stored if your site is not using a payment gateway. Card data can appear on the view order and view order report screens and in order exports.

Please see the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for information about who is allowed to view card data.
Allow User to manage all commerce reports (i.e. order reports & shipping report):

Check this box if you would like this User to have access to view Order Reports & Shipping Report. v2017.1

Allow User to set offline payment option for orders:
Check this box if you would like this User to have access to enable and disable the "Allow Offline Payments" feature for specific orders.

NOTE: Users who have access to "Allow User to set offline payment option for orders" will be able to enable and disable this feature for orders as needed by selecting the "Allow offline payment option for this Cart" while on the Shopping Cart or Express Order Pages.
Ads Management Rights
Allow User to manage Ads within the selected Ad Regions:
Select the Ad Regions that this User will have "edit" access to. The [ADS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.

NOTE: In order for the User to also edit the Ad Region Properties, be sure that the User has edit access to at least one Folder that has a Page that is associated with a Page Style that includes the Ad Region.
Private Content Access Rights
Allow User to view pages, files, and submit custom forms within selected private folders:
Select the website Folders that this User will have "view" access to.  All Pages and Files placed in the selected Folders can be viewed (not edited) by the User.

When you check a Folder, you are granting private access to that Folder and all sub-folders (i.e. child Folders), regardless of the checked status of the sub-folders. Once you check the parent Folder, the status of the check boxes for sub-folders is ignored.

Once you check a Folder, you will have the option of entering an expiration date in case you only want to grant access for a certain period of time. You may leave the field blank if you want the access to be granted indefinitely. The expiration date should be the last day that you want the User to still be able to access the content. After the expiration date, access will be automatically removed and the date will appear in red. If the User attempts to access the content after the expiration date, then he/she will receive an error that explains that his/her access has expired.

TIP: Use this feature to allow access to select Users, for example, to allow only your employees to access a staff-only portal area of your website.  Simply create a Private Folder for each group, and assign access to certain Users.

TIP: These Folders can also be set when a Customer orders a Product that has it's "Grant Private Access to Customer" feature set.
Show badge next to username:
Badges provide a way for you to label certain Users as "special". Your site's default badge is defined in the Site Settings, and can be assigned to any User. Badges will appear next to the User's name whenever they post information that is displayed on your site.

Badges for each User are added or removed from their username automatically across the site instantly when this option is changed.
Badge Label:
If you want this User to have a specific badge that is different from the default that is set in the Site Settings, then you may enter it here. Leave this field blank if you want this User to have the default badge label.
Reward Program
Reward Points:
If you enable the Reward Program feature in Site Settings, and this User has ordered any Products that have reward points, then this field will contain the accumulated total of reward points for this User.

TIP: You can adjust (or reset to zero) the number of reward points for this User at any time if necessary.
Notify User
Send email with login info to User:

Check this field if you want liveSite to send an email to the User with their login info, including their temporary password, right after you create the User. This will allow the User to login to liveSite. Alternatively, if you want to manually communicate with the User about their login info, then uncheck this field. liveSite will tell you the temporary password for the User, on the next screen, regardless of whether you check this field or not.


Login as User


When editing a User, you can click the "Login as User" button in the button bar in order to easily login as the User without having to enter the User's login info. You might want to do this in order to test the site as a less-privileged User in order to make sure everything is setup properly. Also, this can be useful if you want to perform an action for a User (e.g. submit an Order) and have everything be saved to that User's account instead of your own.

Once you click the "Login as User" button, you will be forwarded to the start screen for that User, just as if the User had logged in. You will then experience the site exactly as that User would. This means that the control panel toolbar might not appear, depending on the User's access level, or etc. Once you are done with that User's account, you may logout.

If you selected to be remembered when you originally logged in with your own account, liveSite will automatically log you back in to your own account. However, if you did not select to be remembered, then you will need to login to your own account again. Either way, simply click the login link that appears on the logout screen.

Please be aware of the following:

  • As long as a User is allowed to edit a specific User, then the User can also login as that specific User.
  • The "Login as User" button will not appear for the User that you are currently logged in with.
  • The Site Log keeps track of which Users are logging in as different Users.
  • When you complete actions under the different User account, log messages, last modified stats, and etc. will contain the username for the different User (not your own account).
  • Your session will be reset when you login as a different User. This means that liveSite will forget various settings from that browser session (e.g. search keyword and sort column on various view screens).
  • If you have a tracking code or affiliate code cookie, then they will be removed when you login as a different User. Also, they will not be added back once you logout of that User's account.
  • If a User's account currently has a temporary password (e.g. the account was recently created), you will not be required to change the temporary password when you login as that User. However, the User will still be required to change the password when he/she logs in as him/herself.

WARNING: If you create a User with the same e-mail address as an existing Contact, no connection between the two will be made by liveSite. If you do this by mistake, you can delete the Contact and ask the User to register again, so that a new Contact can be created by the System and connected to the User. You can reference the "My Contacts by User" and "My Registered User" screens to display all connected Contacts and User accounts.

Found in Users

Create / Edit Product

This screen displays a single Product.  This Product can be used to define merchandise, downloads, donations, fees, recurring fees, account payments, event reservations, or memberships and renewals.

New Product Information
Product ID / SKU:
This is the Product Name/Code that is displayed on all Commerce Page and saved ion the Order database to uniquely identify this Product in an Order.

Check this field to enable the Product or uncheck this field to disable the Product. Enabled Products will appear on Order Form, Catalog, and Catalog Detail Pages and be available to Customers for ordering, while disabled Products will not. In addition, if a Product is disabled after a Customer has added it to his/her cart, then the Product will be automatically removed from the cart, before the Customer is allowed to submit the Order. Also, when a cart is retrieved or a completed Order is re-ordered, then disabled Products are automatically removed from the new cart.

When a Product is disabled, its relationship with various Product Groups is maintained, so if you need to re-enable the Product in the future, you can quickly do so and have it automatically appear in all of the same Product Groups as before.

If you are needing to disable a Product because of inventory issues, then you might want to use the Track Inventory feature on this screen instead, because it allows you to display an out-of-stock message to Customers.

Tag clouds will automatically be updated when you enabled/disable Products.

Unit Price:

This is the price of a single quantity of this Product in your base Currency.


Although it is generally recommended to use Offers to discount a Product or Order, you may enter a negative price (e.g. "-1.23") if you want this Product to act as credit or discount. This might be useful if you consider the discount to be a "credit" and you don't want the order process to refer to the discount as an "offer".

You should be careful with negative-price Products, because the customer has access to change the quantity, which could allow the customer to reduce the cost of his/her Order. You may need to set a minimum and/or maximum quantity to control this. Also, you will probably want to protect access to the negative-price Product. For example, you may only want to include the Product on an Order Form that only staff members have access to.

If a negative-price Product is discounting taxable Products, and you want the tax to be discounted also, then you will need to check the taxable setting for the negative-price Product. However, if the negative-price Product is discounting non-taxable Products, then you should not check the taxable setting for the negative-price Product.

If you enter a price for a Product that is less than or equal to zero, then it is possible that an Order total might be less than or equal to zero. If an Order total is less than or equal to zero, then a payment method is not required, no transaction is sent to any payment service, and the Order is simply accepted when the customer clicks "Purchase Now".

For Products with a donation selection type, the customer is not allowed to enter a negative amount. The Product will be removed from the cart if the customer attempts to do that. This prevents the customer from reducing the cost of his/her Order.

NOTE: If this Product is shippable and it is free, either because the Unit Price is less than or equal to zero, or because an Offer discounted this Product, then the Product must be accompanied by at least one non-free Product for the same recipient. The Customer will be informed about this requirement if he/she attempts to check out with a recipient that only contains one or more free Products. The reason for this requirement is that your organization and/or the Customer probably don't want to pay for shipping a shipment that only contains free Products.

Product Options
Recurring Payment:
Select this box if you would like this Product to be displayed and processed using the built-in recurring payment features.

NOTE: Currently, this system does not support recurring payments for Stripe and PayPal Express Checkout. All other services are supported.

NOTE: If a payment gateway is enabled in the Site Settings, liveSite will set up a Billing Profile in the payment gateway's system to charge the credit/debit card provided with the Order automatically at the beginning of each Payment Period for the specified Number of Payments. (Some payment gateways require an extra fee to handle these forms of transactions.  Check with your payment gateway provider for more information).
Allow customer to set schedule:
Check this box if you are collecting recurring donations, and you want your Customers to be able to setup their own recurring payment amount, start date, payment period, and the number or payments. These options will be displayed automatically on the Commerce Pages.

TIP: The Start (days), Number of Payments, and Payment Period for this Product (below) are used as the default schedule presented to your Customers when this Pselecting this Product.
Start (days):
Enter the number of days from the Order Date that you wish the recurring payment cycle to begin.

 "0" will start the payment cycle immediately, and the first payment will be captured at the point of purchase, and each payment period after that until all payments have been collected.

A "1", for example, will capture the first payment the day after the Order is placed, and each payment period after that until all payments have been collected.

If "Allow customer to set schedule" is enabled, then the Start (days) is used to calculate and display the default Start Date presented to the Customer.  So a value of "0" would display today's date, and a value of "1" would display tomorrow's date.

IMPORTANT: A value must be placed in this field if you are using a payment gateway.
Number of Payments:
The number of recurring payments to be captured. Please see specific information for your payment gateway below.

Authorize.Net: You may enter any value up to 9999 or leave the field blank for no limit.

ClearCommerce: You may enter a value between 2 and 999 or leave the field blank for the default (i.e. 999).

First Data Global Gateway (formerly LinkPoint / YourPay): You must enter a value between 1 and 99. You may not leave this field blank.

PayPal Payflow Pro: You may enter any value or leave the field blank for no limit.

PayPal Payments Pro: You may enter any value or leave the field blank for no limit.

Sage: You may enter any value or leave the field blank for no limit.
Payment Period:
This periodicity of this recurring payment. Valid values are:
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Every Two Weeks
  • Twice every Month
  • Every Four Weeks
  • Quarterly
  • Twice every Year
  • Yearly
NOTE: This value is required if you are using the optional Payment Gateway service.
Sage Group ID:
This field will appear if you are using the Sage payment gateway. You may enter a recurring group ID from Sage's control panel so that all recurring profiles for this Product are associated with a certain group. If you leave this field blank or set to 0, then a new group will be created each time this recurring Product is purchased.


Select this check box if tax should be calculated for this Product.

If you have entered a negative price for this Product, please take note of the following: If a negative-price Product is discounting taxable Products, and you want the tax to be discounted also, then you will need to check the taxable setting for the negative-price Product. However, if the negative-price Product is discounting non-taxable Products, then you should not check the taxable setting for the negative-price Product.

Select this check box if this Product must be shipped. Any shipping charges will be calculated for the quantity of Product (and each recipient) during the checkout process.
You can use this optional field to enter the weight for the Product in whatever unit you desire (e.g. pounds [required by ShipWorks], ounces, kilograms, or etc.). This value is not used for calculating shipping costs for customers (see fields below for that). It is also never displayed to customers. The value supports 4 decimal places.

If you are using ShipWorks, then the weight value you enter here will be sent to ShipWorks for each ordered item, so that you do not have to weigh packages when printing shipping labels. If you are using ShipWorks, then you must enter the weight in pounds.

Primary Weight Points:
If this Product is shippable, Points provides a flexible way to adjust the shipping surcharge applied to this Product (based on weight, size, etc). Points are simply numeric values that are multiplied by the quantity of this Product in the Cart by the Shipping Method selected.
Secondary Weight Points:
If this Product is shippable, Points provides a flexible way to adjust the shipping surcharge applied to this Product (based on weight, size, etc).  Points are simply numeric values that are multiplied by the quantity of this Product in the Cart by the Shipping Method selected.

TIP: Secondary Weight Points allow you to fine tune Primary Weight Points or replace them altogether for certain Shipping Methods.
If you are going to enable Real-time Rates for any of your Shipping Methods, you will need to enter the Length, Width, and Height required if you are placing this Product in a shipping Container with other items. The dimensions needs to include any cushioning material required around the Product. If this Product is always prepared in it's own pre-packaged shipping container, enter those dimensions instead. v2017.1
Container Required:
Check this box if this Product is not always prepared in it's own shippable container. For example, if this Product is a bag of candy, or a shirt, it would require a Container. If this Product was a glass mirror that was always pre-packaged in it's own protective container that is ready to ship, it would not require a Container.v2017.1
Preparation Time:
Specify the number of calendar days required to get this Product ready to ship. This is calculated from the Order date and is used in the Arrival Date calculations.

TIP: This lead time is necessary for transit calculations if you are using the Arrival Date feature to guarantee delivery of this Product by a certain date. This value is ignored if Shipping Cut-offs are configured for an Arrival Date. Shipping Cut-offs override Preparation Time for Products, transit values for Shipping Methods, and Transit Adjustment Days for Countries.
Free Shipping:
If the Product is shippable, but you would like shipping surcharges to be waived for this Product, check this box.

NOTE: Checking this option does not necessarily mean the shipping cost for a recipient will be free. For example, the Shipping Method might have a base rate and/or there might be additional Products for the recipient that are not "free shipping" Products.
Extra Shipping Cost:
This amount will be multiplied by the quantity and added to the total shipping cost.

TIP: This feature is generally used for Products that might require extra preparation time and/or expense.
Allowed Zones:
If shippable, these are the States/Provinces and Countries that the Product can be shipped too.

NOTE: This zone is cross-matched with the available Shipping Zones and any matching Shipping Methods are displayed for the Customer to pick from on a Shipping Method Page.  If no zones match, then a message will appear and the Customer will be asked to change the shipping address or remove the Product from their Cart.
Disallowed Zones:
If shippable, these are the States/Provinces and Countries that the Product cannot be shipped too.
Check this box if this Product qualifies for a commission payout to the Affiliate associated with the Customer referral.
Commission Rate Limit:
This is the maximum commission rate (%) for this Product.  Leave this blank if you do not want a specific limit placed on this Product (and the commission rate of the Affiliate associated with the Customer referral will be used instead).
Catalog, Order Form & Cart Page Display Options
Short Description:
This is the text Product description that is displayed on the Order Form Page (when the  "Drop-down Selection" is chosen for the Page's Product Layout). The short description may also appear on various Pages during the checkout process, depending on what the "Product Description Type" Page property is set to (by default the full description is used).
Full Description:
This is the HTML Product description that is displayed on the Order Form Page (when "List" is chosen for the Page's Product Layout). The full description may also appear on various Pages during the checkout process, depending on what the "Product Description Type" Page property is set to (by default the full description is used).
This is additional information about the product that will appear at the bottom of the Catalog Detail pages (below the Add to Cart button).

TIP: Use this field to list related products, additional product information, specifications, FAQs, etc., that you do not want to be displayed on other Commerce Pages during the checkout process.
This field is for HTML, JavaScript, or other code that will be outputted at the bottom of the Catalog Detail pages (below the Add to Cart button and details). This field is useful for code that can't easily be added to the full description or details because those fields use a rich-text editor.

TIP: You can use this field in order to paste conversion/tracking code from analytics or advertising services.
Search Keywords:
Enter an optional list of keywords (e.g. tags) for this Product that will be used to promote this Product in both the Site Search and Catalog Page Search results.

Search Keywords are displayed as hyperlinks on the Catalog and Catalog Detail pages whenever this Product is displayed. When clicked by a Visitor, these hyperlinks will search within the scope of the Catalog page (defined by it's Parent Product Group) and will display any other Product Groups and Products that contain data that matches the Search Keyword.

NOTE: The keywords in this field will be added to the Tag Cloud if this Product is included in any Product Groups that are being searched by a Search Results page.

TIP: Even if there is no Site Search or Catalog Search enabled on your site, Visitors will still be able to click on any Search Keyword hyperlinks. This may be useful if you want to control what keyword searches they can perform.
This is the image that is used to create navigation on Catalog Pages.

NOTE: The image selected is also output in the page's meta data in Facebook Open Graph protocol (property="og:image") which tells Facebook to use this image when a Site Visitor shares the Product on Facebook.
Selection Type:
Checkbox: This displays a "check box" next to the Product on the Order Form Page (that uses the "List" Product Layout).

TIP: This selection type is useful when an initial quantity of this Product is not necessary, or the Product quantity desired is typically "1".  For example, an optional add-on Product.

Quantity: This displays a field to enter a "quantity" on the Order Form Page.

TIP: This selection type is typically used with the "Drop-down Selection" Page Layout, where the Customer might need to add a specific quantity of the Product to their Cart when shopping.

Donation: This displays a blank field on the Order Form Page where the Customer can enter a monetary amount.

TIP: This selection type is used with the "List" Page Layout, and is useful for collecting donations and online giving, where Product quantity is always "1".

Auto-Select: This selection type is used for Order Form Pages with "List" Product Layout when you don't want the Customer to have to check a check box or enter a quantity. The Product will automatically be added to the Order when the Customer clicks the submit button on the Order Form Page. Also, for this selection type, the Product will only be added to the Order if the Product does not already exist in the Order or the selected recipient (if Product is shippable). In other words, additional quantity will not be added if the Customer submits the Order Form multiple times.
Default Quantity:
Sets the initial quantity of this Product when it is added to the Cart.

TIP: If Selection Type (above) is set the "Quantity", this field should be set to "0".
If Selection Type is set to "Checkbox", "Donation", or "Auto-Select", this field should be set to "1".
Minimum Quantity:

You may optionally enter the minimum quantity that is allowed to be ordered for this Product. If the Customer attempts to add less to his/her cart, or update his/her cart with less, then the quantity will be automatically increased to the minimum and the Customer will be alerted with a message. You may leave this field blank if there is no minimum.

For example, if you are selling an inexpensive product (e.g. pencils), then you might want the Customer to be required to order at least a certain number of them.

If there is only one exact quantity value that you allow for a Product (e.g. no more or less than 10), then you may enter that same value for both this minimum field and the maximum field below.

If you have multi-recipient shipping enabled, then the minimum and maximum quantity requirements are enforced at the recipient level (not the order level). For example, if you set the minimum quantity to 10, then the Customer must order 10 of the Product for each recipient that the Product is added to (not 10 for the whole order).

Maximum Quantity:

You may optionally enter the maximum quantity that is allowed to be ordered for this Product. If the Customer attempts to add more to his/her cart, or update his/her cart with more, then the quantity will be automatically decreased to the maximum and the Customer will be alerted with a message. You may leave this field blank if there is no maximum.

For example, if you are selling seats at a charity event, you might want to put a cap on the number of seats that an individual can order.


If there is at least one Attribute in liveSite, then an area will appear which allows you to manage Attributes for this Product. Click the "Add Attribute" button to associate an Attribute with this Product. First, you should select the Attribute, and then you should select the option that is associated with this Product. For example, if there is an Attribute for t-shirt color, and this is the red t-shirt, then select the color Attribute, and "Red" for the option.

You can use the "X" button to remove an Attribute association. This does not delete the actual Attribute. It only removes the Attribute association to this Product.

Changes to the Attribute associations will not be saved until you click the "Save" button at the bottom.

Search Engine Optimization
Catalog Name:
This is the name that liveSite will use to link to this Product. The Catalog Name will appear in the address bar of the browser when a Visitor is viewing this Product. If you leave the Catalog Name blank, then the Short Description or Product ID (if Short Description is blank) will be used. A Catalog Name may not be used by another Product Group or Product. If the Catalog Name that you entered is already in use then liveSite will automatically add a unique number to the end of the Catalog Name.

TIP: Search engines use the content that appears in addresses for ranking search results, so it is important to set a good Catalog Name.
Web Browser Title:
This is what is displayed at the top of the Visitor's browser window when they access a Catalog Detail Page.
Web Browser Description:
This is for the description of a Product that search engines will use for ranking search results. This description often appears in search results at a search engine website.
Web Browser Keywords:
This is for keywords that search engines will use for ranking search results. The search engines will attempt to match these keywords with their visitor's searches. Separate each keyword with a comma.
Track Inventory:
To prevent this Product from being ordered when out of stock, or simply alert the Shopper that this Product is backordered and allow them to order anyway, select this option.
Inventory Quantity:
Enter the number of units in stock.

NOTE: This value is decremented automatically for each quantity of this Product when an order is placed.
Accept Backorders:
Select this option if you want to allow this Product to be ordered, even if Inventory Quantity is zero. The Out of Stock Message will also be displayed.

Deselect this option will prevent this Product from being added to a cart. This option will also add the Out of Stock Message to any product selection fields to warning shoppers that the item is out of stock, before they attempt to add it to their cart and get an error message.
Out of Stock Message:
Enter the information to display when the Inventory Quantity reaches zero.
Order Checkout Options
Requires Product:
If this Product requires another Product to be added to the same Order before the Order can be placed, select the Product ID.

NOTE: If the Customer adds this Product to their Cart and proceeds to checkout, and the Required Product is not also present in the Cart, then the Required Product will be added to the Cart automatically and a message will be displayed informing the Customer about the Required Product.

TIP: Useful if you cannot bundle two Product together into a single Product.
Enable Product Form:
Check this box if you want to require a custom Product Form to be submitted when this Product is ordered. You can specify whether you want one Product Form collected for this Product, or if you want a Product Form collected for each quantity of the Product ordered. Product Forms work just like Custom Forms, only their data is stored with the Order itself.  Product Form data is viewed and exported with the Order data.

NOTE: To create and edit your Product Form, enable it first, then save the Product.  Re-edit the Product and you will see a "Edit Product Form" button at the top of this screen that will provide access to the form fields.

TIP: This feature is ideal for fee-based event/course registrations where you need to gather contact information on each attendee.
Form Title for Display
This is the Title of the Product Form that is displayed on top of the Product Form fields on the Order Form Page, Shopping Cart Page, and Express Checkout Page.
Label Column Width:
Specify the numerical width of the label column (in percentage) for the display of the Product Form.

NOTE: The default (blank value) sets the width to "auto" which works well in most cases.
Quantity Type:
Specify the number of Product Forms that must be completed before an Order containing this Product is allowed to be placed by the Customer.

One form per quantity: For example, if the Product quantity for the entire Order is 10, then 10 copies of the Product Form are displayed and required.

One form per product: For example, if the Product quantity for the entire Order is 10, then only 1 copy of the Product Form is displayed and required.
Order Complete Options
Order Receipt Page Message:
Specify any optional message that will appear on the Order Receipt Page and in the order receipt e-mail when this Product is ordered. If the order receipt e-mail format is set to plain text, then this message will be automatically converted to plain text for the e-mail.

TIP: This is a great feature to add work-flow to your post-order process.  You could display a link to a survey (using a Custom Form Page) after they successfully order this Product.  Or, if access to a Folder or Membership is granted by this Product, you could include a welcome message and a link to a Page in that Folder so they can get started.
Order Receipt BCC E-mail Address:
If you would like to e-mail a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) of the order receipt to a specific person whenever a specific Product is ordered, then specify it here.

NOTE: The Commerce E-mail Address in the Site Settings will automatically be BCC'd for all order receipts.

E-mail Additional Page to Customer:

Specify an optional Page to e-mail the Customer when this Product is successfully ordered. (The Page's Title field is used as the e-mail message's Subject).

You may enter the mail-merge fields, that are listed below in the "Create Submitted Form" section, into the Page's HTML, in order to output dynamic content about the Order (e.g. ^^billing_email_address^^). In addition, if this Product creates or updates a Submitted Form, then you may enter mail-merge fields for the Submitted Form also. For example, if there is a field on the Custom Form named "license_key", then you can enter a ^^license_key^^ mail-merge field in the content, so that a dynamic license key value appears in the email.

If you want to repeat specific content for each quantity that is ordered, in the body of the email, you may add "<!-- Start Quantity Row -->" and "<!-- End Quantity Row -->" HTML comment tags around the repeated content in the Page, like below.

<p>Example header content (this will not be repeated)</p>


<p>You may find your license key(s) below:</p>

<!-- Start Quantity Row -->

<p>This content inside the quantity row tags will be repeated for each quantity.</p>

<p>License Key: ^^license_key^^</p>

<!-- End Quantity Row -->

<p>Example footer content (this will not be repeated)</p>

You may include mail-merge fields for product form fields, if a product form is enabled, and also submitted form fields, if Create/Update Submitted Form is enabled. Within quantity row tags, the data will be specific to that quantity. Outside of the quantity row tags, data for the first quantity will be used.

TIP: This feature makes it easy to send instructions, a welcome message, or other information to the Customer after they have ordered this Product successfully.

NOTE: This is different from the order receipt that can be sent to the Customer. Check the Express Order or Order Preview page type properties for that.

BCC E-mail Address:
If you want to e-mail a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) of the additional page that was selected above to another e-mail address when this Product is ordered, specify it here. If you leave this field blank, then the E-Commerce E-mail Address from the site settings will be BCC'd instead.
Add to Contact Group:
If you want to add this Customer's Contact to a Contact Group when this Product is ordered, specify the Contact Group.

TIP: You can use this feature to organize all of your Customer's in one Contact Group that have ordered this Product.  Then use that Contact Group in an e-mail Campaign.
Add Days to Customer's Membership:
If you want to grant "view" access to the contents of all Membership Folders to the Customer when they order this Product, or extend any existing Member's Expiration Date, enter the number of days.

New Members: If the Customer's Contact does not already have a Member ID, then the Order's unique Reference Code will be used as the default Member's ID, and the Contact's Expiration Date will be set to the order date plus the number of days specified here.

Existing Members: If the Customer's Contact already has a Member ID, then it will remain unchanged, and the Contact's Expiration Date will be set to the order date plus the number of days specified here, regardless of previous value in the Expiration Date.

NOTE: Either way, the Customer will now have instant access to the Pages and Files in any Membership Folder.

TIP: This is useful for creating paid subscriptions, where you want to automatically granting access to private areas of the website for some period of time. If you want to grant a long-term membership access, then please use a large value (e.g. 9999).

NOTE: You can revoke this access anytime by updating the Expiration Date in the Customer's Contact to a past date.  Likewise, you can extend the Member's expiration at anytime by changing the expiration date to a future date.

NOTE: The number of days that are entered for this field will be multiplied by the quantity that is ordered. For example, if a Customer orders 2 of this Product and this field is set to 365 for a 1 year membership, then 2 years will be granted.
Grant Private Access to Customer:
If you want to grant "view" access to the contents of a Private Folder to the Customer when they order this Product, check this box.

NOTE: You can make changes to a Customer's access via the Customer's User account.
Set "View" Access to Folder:
Specify the Private Folder where all the restricted Pages and Files reside that you want the Customer to be able to view.
Enter the number of days of private access that should be granted to the User. You can leave this field blank if you do not want the access to expire.

At the time of the order, the length will be converted into an expiration date which can be managed in the User record. If the User does not already have access or his/her access has expired, then the number of days will be added to the order date. Otherwise, if the User already has access and there is a current expiration date in the future, then the number of days will be added to the current expiration date.

The number of days that are entered for this field will be multiplied by the quantity that is ordered. For example, if a Customer orders 2 of this Product and this field is set to 365, for a year, then 730 days (i.e. 2 years) will be granted.

A User's existing access length will never be reduced by this feature. For example, if a User already has indefinite access for a specific Folder and orders a Product that has a length defined for that same Folder, then the User's indefinite access will be preserved (i.e. no expiration date will be set).
Set Customer's Start Page to:
You can also specify/update the Customer's "Start Page" when this Product is ordered, sending the Customer to a specific Page each time they login to the website.

TIP: You might use this to send your Members to a restricted Members Home Page each time return to your website and login.

NOTE: You can update the Customers Start Page at any time, by updating their User account.
Reward Points:
If you enable the Reward Program feature in Site Settings, then enter the number of reward points that are accumulated by each User that orders a single quantity of this Product.

Email Gift Card:

Select this option if this Product is a virtual/email Gift Card. A customer can order this Gift Card Product and specify the different options for the Gift Card during the Order process (e.g. recipient email address, from name, message, delivery date). A Customer can also order multiple quantities of a Gift Card Product in order to send multiple Gift Cards at once.

Once the Order is complete, a Gift Card, with a unique, secret code, will be created in liveSite so the balance can be tracked (see All Gift Cards screen). An Email Campaign will also be created which will be responsible for sending the Gift Card email, with the code, to the recipient at the appropriate time. If the giver selects the current date for the delivery date, then the email will be sent immediately. Otherwise, if the giver selects a future date, then the email will be sent at 12 PM on the future date.

NOTE: The Email Campaign Job must be enabled in order for the Gift Card email to be sent automatically.

Once the recipient receives the email, he/she can use the code in the email, to redeem the Gift Card at your website. Make sure that Accept Gift Cards is enabled in the Site Settings. The Gift Card code is sensitive data that should be treated like cash, because anyone with the code can use it to purchase items from your site.

You can setup different Gift Card Products with fixed amounts (e.g. $5, $10, $20) by using a Selection Type that is not "Donation". The price of the Product will determine the amount. Alternatively, you can set Selection Type to "Donation" if you want to setup a Gift Card Product with a variable-amount that the giver can specify (e.g. $29).

You can enter the following mail-merge fields into the subject and/or body below in order to output dynamic data. At the very least, you must include the fields in bold below.

Mail-merge Fields
  • ^^code^^ (e.g. 1234-1234-1234-1234)
  • ^^amount^^ (e.g. 10, does not include currency symbol)
  • ^^from_name^^
  • ^^message^^ (message that giver entered for recipient)
  • ^^recipient_email_address^^
  • ^^delivery_date^^ (date that giver requested)

You may use the following format to output different content depending on whether there is a value or not. For example, the ^^from_name^^ field might be blank if the giver wanted to be anonymous.

[[There is a value: ^^from_name^^|| There is not a value]]


Enter a subject for the Gift Card email that is sent to the recipient.


Select whether you want the Gift Card email to contain plain text or HTML. Plain text is a simpler format that does not contain styling or images. HTML is a format like a webpage. If you select HTML, you will be asked to select the Page that you want to send.


If you select Plain Text for the format, then you must enter the body content for the Gift Card email that is sent to the recipient. Make sure to include the necessary mail-merge fields mentioned above.


If you select HTML for the format, then you must select a Page that will be emailed.

Create/Update Submitted Form:

If you need to create or update a Submitted Form when a Customer orders this Product, then you can check this field. For example, you can use this feature to convert a conversation thread into a paid project thread, once a Customer orders this Product.

Please see the field "Form/Comment Quantity Type" further below which controls whether a form is created/updated for each quantity.

Please be aware that this feature is different from the Product Form feature. This feature creates/updates a Submitted Form that is separate from the Product, as if the Customer submitted a Custom Form manually, and so the Submitted Form can therefore appear on Form List/Item Views.

Custom Form:

Select the Custom Form that is associated with the Submitted Form that you want to create or update.

Create Submitted Form:

If you need to create a Submitted Form when a Customer orders this Product, then you can check this field. A Submitted Form will not be created, if updating a Submitted Form is enabled and a Submitted Form was found, that needs to be updated. You should configure all of the fields that you want to set when the Submitted Form is created.

You can enter the following mail-merge fields into the "to" value field in order to set Submitted Form fields to dynamic values from the Order.

Mail-merge Fields
  • ^^billing_salutation^^
  • ^^billing_first_name^^
  • ^^billing_last_name^^
  • ^^billing_company^^
  • ^^billing_address_1^^
  • ^^billing_address_2^^
  • ^^billing_city^^
  • ^^billing_state^^
  • ^^billing_zip_code^^
  • ^^billing_country^^
  • ^^billing_phone_number^^
  • ^^billing_fax_number^^
  • ^^billing_email_address^^
  • ^^custom_field_1^^
  • ^^custom_field_2^^
  • ^^po_number^^
  • ^^total^^
  • ^^order_number^^
  • ^^order_date_and_time^^
  • ^^quantity^^
  • ^^quantity_plural_suffix^^ (e.g. "Thanks for ordering ^^quantity^^ widget^^quantity_plural_suffix^^.")
  • ^^quantity_plural_suffix_es^^ (e.g. "Thanks for ordering ^^quantity^^ lens^^quantity_plural_suffix_es^^.")
  • ^^[product form field name]^^ (i.e. replace bracket area with any Product Form field name)

The product form mail-merge fields will be replaced with data from the product form for the appropriate quantity. For example, if a 2nd Submitted Form is being created for the 2nd quantity, then the product form mail-merge fields will be replaced with data from the product form for the 2nd quantity, if a 2nd product form exists. If a 2nd product form does not exist, then data from the 1st product form will be used.

Update Submitted Form:

If you need to update a Submitted Form when a Customer orders this Product, then you can check this field. You should configure all of the fields that you want to set when the Submitted Form is updated.

You can enter the mail-merge fields listed above into the "to" value field in order to set Submitted Form fields to dynamic values from the Order. If you set the "to" value field to exactly "^^quantity^^" then the quantity will be added to the existing value. For example, if the field is currently "1" and then the Customer orders 1 quantity of this Product, then the field will be set to "2".

Next, you should specify which Submitted Form should be updated, by defining where a certain field is equal to a certain value. You can enter mail-merge fields, listed above, into the value field. A common use is to set where the "Reference Code" is equal to "^^reference_code^^", where "reference_code" is the name of the Product form field that the Customer will enter the reference code into. This will allow the Submitted Form to be updated for the reference code that the Customer enters.

If you are creating or importing a Product, then the Product form field will automatically be created for you, if you leave the value field blank (i.e. the field to the right of "is equal to"). If your Product has already been created in the past and you are editing it, then you will need to enable a Product form, create a field for the reference code, and enter the mail-merge version of that field name into the value field (e.g. ^^reference_code^^).

Once a Customer enters a reference code during the order process, then liveSite will check to make sure that a Submitted Form exists for the code and will return an error to the Customer if a Submitted Form does not exist.

You will need to update the required property for the reference code field to match your requirements. For example, if you want to allow the Customer to leave the reference code field blank so a Submitted Form is created, then uncheck the required property for the field. Alternatively, if you don't want a new Submitted Form to be created and you want the Customer to be forced to enter a reference code then check the required property for the field.

If multiple Submitted Forms match, then only the oldest one, as determined by the submitted date, will be updated.

Add Comment:

If you want to add a Comment to a Page when this Product is ordered, then check this field. This feature is often used in combination with the "Create/Update Submitted Form" feature above.

Please see the field "Form/Comment Quantity Type" further below which controls whether a comment is added for each quantity.


Select the Page that you want to add the Comment to.


Enter the message for the Comment. You can enter mail-merge fields into this field in order to enter dynamic values from the Order (available fields are listed above for the "Create Submitted Form" field).

Added by:

Enter the name that you want to appear next to the Comment. You can enter mail-merge fields into this field in order to enter dynamic values from the Order (available fields are listed above for the "Create Submitted Form" field).

Only add Comment if Submitted Form was updated:

If you only want a Comment to be added when a Submitted Form is updated and NOT when a Submitted Form is created for the "Create/Update Submitted Form" feature, then check this field.

Form/Comment Quantity Type:

This setting affects the Create/Update Submitted Form & Add Comment features above. If you want a submitted form to be created/updated and/or a comment to be added for each quantity of the Product that is ordered then select "One form/comment per quantity". For example, if a customer orders a quantity of 10, then 10 submitted forms will be created/updated. Alternatively, if you only want one submitted form to be created/updated and/or one comment to be added regardless of the quantity then select "One form/comment per product".

Custom Product Fields
[Custom Field Label]:

If you entered a label for the custom Product fields in the Site Settings then the fields will appear here. You should enter the value for each custom field for this particular Product. The values for custom Product fields do not appear on the front-end of the website for Customers. They are purely for internal staff use, with the one exception that they do appear on the packing slip, which Customers might receive. Custom Product field values can be managed and viewed in the following areas.

  • All Products
  • Create/Edit Product
  • Import/Export Products
  • Export Orders
  • View Order
  • Print Packing Slip
Product Notes for Order Exporting
Enter any additional comments that you would like to store with each Order that contains this Product.

TIP: Use this field to add information to Order that might be valuable to your fulfillment process of this Product.

NOTE: These Notes are not visible on any website Pages. Notes can be viewed through the Control Panel, and are exported with the Orders.
RSS Feed

The following fields are included in the RSS feed for Catalog, Catalog Detail, and Order Form Pages. These fields are not used by this system, however they might be required in a Google data feed for importing into Google Merchant Center.

In addition to the fields below, your inventory settings will affect the availability value in the RSS feed. If inventory tracking is disabled or inventory quantity is greater than 0, then the availability will be set to "in stock". If inventory quantity is set to 0 and accept backorders is disabled, then the availability will be set to "out of stock". Otherwise, if backorders is enabled, then availability will be set to "available for order". This system does not use the "preorder" value.

If a Product is currently discounted by an Offer, then the sale price will be included in the RSS feed.

Google Product Category:
Enter the Google product category for this Product (e.g. Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Dresses). You should not escape special characters, because special characters will be automatically escaped for you in the RSS feed. For example, enter ">", not "&gt;". Also, please do not surround the value in quotes. Please reference the list of valid product categories at Google's website. Google does not allow you to make up your own categories.
Enter the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for this Product. The GTIN might be a UPC (in North America), EAN (in Europe), JAN (in Japan), or ISBN (for books).
Enter the brand for this Product.
Enter the manufacturer product number for this Product (i.e. the number which uniquely identifies the Product to its manufacturer).

NOTE: When you save changes to the Product, all Catalog Pages & Order Form Pages that reference a Product Group that this Product is placed into, will be updated instantly.

Found in Commerce

All Product Groups

Product Groups are simply collections of Products. Products are grouped into Product Groups for display purposes only.

Products can be are organized in one or more Product Groups.  Product Groups are then referenced by Commerce Pages to display Products on your website:

  • By associating a Product Group with a Catalog Page, you provide a Visitor with access navigate an entire hierarchy of Product Groups and their Products. If you then connect a Catalog Page to a Catalog Detail Page, you provide a Visitor with not only access to navigate an entire hierarchy of Product Groups and their Products, but also the ability to add any of the Products viewed into their Cart and place an Order securely.
  • By associating a Product Group with an Order Form Page, you provide a Visitor with access to see the Product, as well as the ability to Add the Product to their Cart, checkout, and purchase the Product through your website.
  • By associating a Product Group with a Shopping Cart or Express Order Page (Quick Add Product Group feature) you can display additional "up-sell" Products to a Customer before they checkout.

If you place any Products into Product Groups that are not referenced by a Commerce Page, then the Products will not be visible to your Visitors and considered unpublished.

WARNING: Catalog Pages are dynamic in nature, meaning that a single Catalog Page (and optional Catalog Detail Page) are capable of displaying your entire hierarchy of Product Groups and Products. You need to be sure when you move Products and Product Groups around in your Product Group hierarchies, that you are careful not to expose wholesale or unpublished Products to your other Customers accidentally.

Creating Product Groups

Click "Create Product Group" to create a new Product Group.

Moving Product Groups

Click on the Product Group Name to edit the Product Group and change it's Parent Product Group.

Updating Product Groups

Click on the Product Group Name to add or remove Products and Product Groups from the Product Group.

Deleting Product Groups

Click on the Product Group Name to edit the Product Group, then click "Delete" to delete the Product Group.

NOTE: Deleting a Product Group does not delete any children Product Groups, Products, or Commerce Pages. However, any Commerce Pages that reference the deleted Product Group will no longer display any Products and so they will need to be updated or removed as well.

Enabling & Disabling Product Groups / Products

liveSite can now be setup to manage on-season and off-season catalogs. For many gift-giving shopping sites, it's important to have the ability to quickly enable and disable catalogs, product groups, and even individual products so customers and phone order reps all have real-time access to the currently available products for purchase. v2017.1

Disabled Product Groups / Products will hide them from selection on any Catalog Pages. To disable a Product Group / Product, hover over any enabled Product Group / Product name and a "Disable" button will appear you can click to disable. You can enable Product Groups / Products in the same way.

Found in Commerce

Shipping Methods

Shipping Methods define each shipping carrier and their methods of shipment, and the costs associated with shipping Products (and Containers) to recipient addresses.

Shipping Methods can determine the cost of shipping in two ways: You can predefine the cost of shipping if you want to average out the cost of shipping fees across your customer base. You can also have liveSite determine the actual cost of shipping for each recipient in real-time. These two ways of determining shipping costs can be mixed together, so you can use both ways as needed within the same Shipping Method, providing amazing flexibility in how you calculate shipping charges. v2017.1

For predefined Shipping Methods, you can set Base Rate, Primary Weight Rate, Secondary Weight Rate and an Item Rate in order to determine the cost of shipping.

To use Real-time Rates for Shipping Methods, you will need to sign up with each carrier's online account to allow liveSite to access your account and requests real-time shipping costs as your customers checkout on your website. See Site Settings for more information.

Shipping Methods are displayed on the Shipping Methods Page All available Shipping Methods that can deliver the Products to each destination are always displayed to the Customer starting with the least expensive first.

Guaranteed Arrival Dates

For Each Shipping Method you can also set the number of day the shipment is in transit. These transit days are important if you are using the optional Arrival Date feature and therefore only offer the Customer the Shipping Methods that you can guarantee will deliver the Products to the recipients on time. Transit days can also be impacted by the destination Country so you can also adjust the transit days for any Country.

Base Transit Days is used in determining the number of transit days (calendar days) for that Shipping Method. If Adjust Transit is checked, then the Transit Adjust Days for the Country of the recipient will be added to the Base Transit Days of the Shipping Method.

If a Shipping Cut-off is configured for an Arrival Date, then the Preparation Time for Products, transit values for Shipping Methods, and Transit Adjustment Days for Countries are all ignored.

Street Address & Post Office Box Delivery

If Allow Street Address is checked then this Shipping Method may be available for a recipient with a street address. (This is determined by a shipping address entered by the Customer starting with a numeric character).

If Allow PO Box is checked then this Shipping Method may be available for a recipient with a PO box (shipping address entered starts with a non-numeric character).

You will also need to set the Allowed Zones that this Shipping Method can deliver too.

Shipping Selection Process

1) The Customer selects the "Check Out" button from the Shopping Cart Page or the Express Order Page.

The Cart's "Next Page (with shipping)" Page will be displayed if there are shippable Products in the Cart. This Next Page should be a Shipping Address & Arrival Page. This Shipping Address & Arrival Page will be shown for each recipient in the Cart.

2) The Customer will enter the shipping address and select a Requested Arrival Date and press the "Continue" button.

If no Shipping Methods can be found that will guarantee arrival of the shipment by the Requested Arrival Date, the Shipping Address & Arrival Page will appear again with an error instructing theCustomer to change his/her Requested Arrival Date and press "Continue" again.

3) If at least one Shipping Method is found, the Customer will be sent to the Shipping Method Page for the recipient.

If there is a Product in the Cart that is not allowed to be shipped to the recipient's Country or State, the Product Restriction Message is displayed to the Customer on the Shipping Methods Page and the Customer is required to remove the Product from the Cart in order to continue with the checkout process.

liveSite will look for all Shipping Methods for the recipient's address.  liveSite will then refine the list of Shipping Methods to only those that can get the Products to the destination on or before the selected Requested Arrival Date.

4) If the Customer started the checkout process from a Shopping Cart Page, they will be directed to the Billing Information Page to enter their payment information and proceed to finalize their Order. If the Customer started the checkout process from an Express Order Page, they will be sent back to the Express Order Page to enter their payment information and proceed to finalize their Order.

Available Shipping Methods Calculation

It is important to understand how liveSite determines what Shipping Methods are available for each recipient during the checkout process. Here is the manual calculation, if there is no Shipping Cut-off for the Arrival Date:

Available Shipping Methods = Shipping Methods (ZONE MATCH): (longest Product:PreparationTime) + SHIP:HandlingTime + SHIP:BaseTransitDays + (If SHIP:AdjTransit = Y then CTRY:TransitAdjDays else 0) <= Days until Requested Arrival Date (adjusted for End of Day Time).

If there is a Shipping Cut-off for the selected Arrival Date, then liveSite will look at the Cut-off Date & Time in order to determine if the Shipping Method should still be available.

If one or more Available Shipping Methods are found then the shipping charges for each will be calculated and displayed to the Customer as follows:

Shipping Method Shipping Surcharge = (SHIP:BaseRate) + (ZONE:BaseRate) + For all non-Free Shipping Products: (Product:PrimaryWeightPoints * SHIP:PrimaryWeightRate * ProdQty) + (Product:SecondaryWeightPoints * SHIP:SecondaryWeightRate * ProdQty) + (SHIP:ItemRate * ProdQty) + (Product:PrimaryWeightPoints * ZONE:PrimaryWeightRate * ProdQty) + (Product:SecondaryWeightPoints * ZONE:SecondaryWeightRate * ProdQty) + (ZONE:ItemRate * ProdQty) + (Product:ExtraShippingCost * ProdQty)

For each Shipping Method there is also an option to not apply the Primary Weight Rate, Secondary Weight Rate, and/or Item Rate for the first item. If that option is selected, then the corresponding rate will not be applied to the first quantity of the first item of each recipient. The first item is the Product that the customer added to their cart first for each recipient. This option allows you to create flat rate shipping charges for the first product to each recipient regardless of the product's weight points. If that option is not checked then the corresponding rate will apply to all quantities of all items.

TIP: The Extra Shipping Cost portion of the calculation above is generally used for Products that might require extra preparation time and/or expense.

If there are multiple Shipping Methods for the Customer to choose from, then the Customer will be required to click to select the Shipping Method that he/she wants (i.e. no Shipping Method will be selected by default). However, if there is only one available Shipping Method, then that Shipping Method will be selected by default. If there are no available Shipping Methods then an error message will be displayed on the Shipping Methods Page. So it's a good idea to at least create one Shipping Method that covers all your Shipping Zones if that is the appropriate solution for you.

Found in Commerce (Cont)

Create / Edit Shipping Method

Create/Edit a shipping method that will be made available during checkout based on the products and destination address.

Shipping Method Code for Order Reporting
Enter the value that will be saved and exported with the Order data if this Shipping Method is used.

For example: "AIR"
Shipping Method Page Display Options
Display Name:
Enter the Name of this Shipping Method that is displayed to the Customer on the Shipping Methods Page.

For example: "FEDEX Overnight".
Display Message:
Enter This is the text information for this Shipping Method that is displayed to the Customer on the Shipping Methods Page.

For example: "Overnight delivery will arrival by 10am the next business day."
Service for Real-Time Rate & Delivery

If you want to enable real-time rates and/or delivery date you may select the carrier's shipment method that will be used by this Shipping Method. Real-time rates means that liveSite will communicate with a carrier in real-time, when a customer is ordering, and show a real-time rate. liveSite can also communicate with the carrier to show a real-time estimated delivery date to a customer. Currently, the following carriers and their methods are supported:

USPS (Supports both rates and delivery date.)

  •    USPS Priority Mail
  •    USPS Priority Mail Express
  •    USPS Retail Ground

UPS (Currently only supports rates. Does not support delivery date.)

  •    UPS Next Day Air
  •    UPS Next Day Air Early
  •    UPS Next Day Air Saver
  •    UPS 2nd Day Air
  •    UPS 2nd Day Air A.M.
  •    UPS 3rd Day Select
  •    UPS Ground

FedEx (Currently only supports delivery date. Does not support rates.)

  •    FedEx First Overnight
  •    FedEx Priority Overnight
  •    FedEx Standard Overnight
  •    FedEx 2Day A.M.
  •    FedEx 2Day
  •    FedEx Express Saver
  •    FedEx Ground

TIP: If you don't want to use real-time rates or delivery date for this Shipping Method, leave this field unselected.

IMPORTANT: You must also configure liveSite to communicate with the selected carrier method. See Site Settings for more information on connecting your carrier's online account with liveSite.

Shipping Method Charges
Real-Time Rate:
Check this box if you want to enable real-time rates. This setting will only appear if liveSite supports real-time rates for the service you selected.

Base Rate:

This monetary value is the starting rate for the Shipping Method. It is not affected by Product quantities.

If you have a different base rate, based on the cost of items in the customer's cart, then you should check "Enable variable base rate". For example, let's say that you charge $1 for $0-$19, $2 for $20-$29, and $3 for $30+. First, enter $1 in the first row (there is no recipient subtotal field for this base rate, because it is assumed to start at $0). Second, enter $2 and then $20 in the second row. Third, enter $3 and $30 in the third row. You may leave the last row empty because it is not necessary for this example.

The recipient subtotal is considered to be the total price of all Products (multiplied by their quantities) for one recipient. Please be aware that the recipient subtotal is not the subtotal for the whole Order. When this feature is determining a recipient subtotal, it will take into account Offers that discount a Product, however it won't take into account Offers that discount an entire Order.

You can use variable base rates to reward customers that purchase large Orders from you. For example, you can setup a variable base rate, so that customers get free shipping (i.e. $0) if they order a certain amount.

This feature offers a maximum of 4 different variable base rates.

Primary Weight Rate:
This monetary value is multiplied by each Quantity of each Product's Primary Weigh Points for the recipient.

For example: If you wanted to charge $12.00 ship a certain product via this Shipping Method, you would set the Product's Primary Points to 1200 and set this value to 1.

If you don't want the rate to apply to the first quantity of the first item in the cart for each recipient, then check "Don't apply to first item". The rate will then only be applied to subsequent items for each recipient. The first item is the Product that the customer added to their cart first for each recipient. This option allows you to create flat rate shipping charges for the first product to each recipient regardless of the product's weight points. Uncheck this option if you want the rate to apply to all quantities of all items.
Secondary Weight Rate:
This monetary value is multiplied by each Quantity of each Product's Secondary Weigh Points for the recipient.

TIP: Use the Secondary Weigh Rate for any Products that need a different Weight Rate for a  different Shipping Zone.

If you don't want the rate to apply to the first quantity of the first item in the cart for each recipient, then check "Don't apply to first item". The rate will then only be applied to subsequent items for each recipient. The first item is the Product that the customer added to their cart first for each recipient. This option allows you to create flat rate shipping charges for the first product to each recipient regardless of the product's weight points. Uncheck this option if you want the rate to apply to all quantities of all items.
Item Rate:
This monetary value is multiplied by each Quantity of all Products for the recipient.

TIP: Use the Item Rate when a flat shipping rate must be applied to all quantities, regardless of the Product.

If you don't want the rate to apply to the first quantity of the first item in the cart for each recipient, then check "Don't apply to first item". The rate will then only be applied to subsequent items for each recipient. The first item is the Product that the customer added to their cart first for each recipient. This option allows you to create flat rate shipping charges for the first product to each recipient regardless of the product's weight points. Uncheck this option if you want the rate to apply to all quantities of all items.
Destination Delivery Options
Allow Street Address:
Check this box if this Shipping Method can deliver to a Street Address.

NOTE: A Street Address is determined by checking the first character in the Address Line 1 of the recipient's shipping address. If the first character is numeric, it is considered a Street Address, like "1234 Main Street".
Allow PO Box:
Check this box if this Shipping Method can deliver to a Post Office Box.

NOTE: A Post Office Box is determined by checking the first character in the Address Line 1 of the recipient's shipping address. If the first character is non-numeric, it is considered a PO Box, like "P.O. Box 1234".
Available Destinations
Allowed Zones:
Select the Shipping Zones that this Shipping Method can deliver too.
Disallowed Zones:
Select the Shipping Zones that this Shipping Method cannot deliver too.
Handling Time:
Enter the expected number of days that it should take to prepare Products for shipment after an Order is completed, for this Shipping Method. For example, a merchant might handle a shipment faster for next day vs. standard. This is added on to the Product preparation time.
Handling on:
Select the days of the week that you prepare Products for shipment, for this Shipping Method. For example, if you don't prepare Products on weekends, then leave those days unchecked.
Ships on:
Select the days of the week that you ship Products, for this Shipping Method. For example, if you don't ship Products on weekends, then leave those days unchecked.
End of Day Time:
This allows you to override the End of Day Time in the Site Settings for a specific Shipping Method. For example, if customers must order by 12:00 PM in order for a package to be shipped out the same day (e.g. for a next day/overnight method), then the merchant can enter that time for the method. That time might be earlier than the general End of Day Time in the Site Settings. You may leave this field blank if you don't want to override the value from the Site Settings.
Transit Details for Shipping Method
Base Transit Time:
Enter the expected number of calendar days that it should take for the carrier to deliver the Products to the recipient using this Shipping Method.

This value and the rest of the transit values are ignored if Shipping Cut-offs are configured for an Arrival Date. Shipping Cut-offs override Preparation Time for Products, transit values for Shipping Methods, and Transit Adjustment Days for Countries.
Adjust Transit for Country:
Check this box to add the Transit Days for the recipient's Country to the Base Transit Days.
Transit on Saturday:
Check this box if the carrier of this Shipping Method typically continues to move shipments on Saturday.
Transit on Sunday:
Check this box if the carrier of this Shipping Method typically continues to move shipments on Sunday.
Excluded Dates for Shipping & Handling (e.g. Holidays)
Excluded Dates:
Enter any specific future calendar dates that you or the carrier of this Shipping Method does not handle or move shipments (during labor holidays, Christmas, etc., each year).
Shipping Method Availability
Start Time:
Enter the date and time that this Shipping Method is available (enabled).

TIP: Start Time is great when you want to offer you Customers new shipping options automatically when you get too close to an popular arrival date (like a holiday or event) for other Shipping Methods to guarantee delivery in time.
End Time:
Enter the date and time that this Shipping Method is no longer available (disabled).

TIP: The End Time is great when you want to offer you Customers new shipping options automatically when you get too close to an popular arrival date (like a holiday or event) for other Shipping Methods to guarantee delivery in time.
Enabled makes this Shipping Method available.

Disabled makes this Shipping Method unavailable.
Available on:
This specifies which days of the week this Shipping Method may be selected. The Cut-off time will disable the Shipping Method at the specified time on that day. You may leave the Cut-off time blank if you want the Shipping Method to be available all day.

NOTE: The Cut-off time is based on the web server's time.

Check this box if you want this Shipping Method only visible to your staff and not to your Site Visitors and Customers.

Protected Shipping Methods allow your Site Managers to set up Shipping Methods that can only be visible and selected by your internal sales reps so they can submit orders through your website on behalf of your customers with different shipping rates than your online customers. This is necessary if you handle catalog orders by phone, fax, or postal mail. You might want to provide Real-time Rates to your online customers at the point of purchase, which is not possible for your offline customers. For these customers, you will need to set fixed shipping methods / rates before the orders are entered through your website by your sales reps. v2017.1

NOTE: The Transit-related fields above are only required if you are using the Arrival Date feature.  In that case, these values are compared against the Requested Arrival Date selected by the Customer to determine if this Shipping Method should be displayed to the Customer.

TIP: If you only create one Shipping Method, the Customer will not be prompted to select a Shipping Methods.  However, if only one Shipping Method is available that matches the Product to the Destination, the Customer will still be prompted to select the only option they have.

TIP: You may need to divide up your Shipping Methods into new, smaller Shipping Methods to accommodate more complex shipping fee structures.

If there are multiple Shipping Methods for the Customer to choose from, then the Customer will be required to click to select the Shipping Method that he/she wants (i.e. no Shipping Method will be selected by default). However, if there is only one available Shipping Method, then that Shipping Method will be selected by default. If there are no available Shipping Methods then an error message will be displayed on the Shipping Methods Page. So it's a good idea to at least create one Shipping Method that covers all your Shipping Zones if that is the appropriate solution for you.

Found in Commerce (Cont)

All Containers

This screen will display all the shipping Containers that have been created. Containers are the physical boxes or other vessels that can be used to ship more than one Product for delivery to a recipient. Containers are used to lower the cost of shipping and handling by organizing multiple Products in the same shipping Container. It is only necessary to define Containers if you are going to use the Real-time Rates feature for any of your Shipping Methods.

Containers are identified by a Name and can be enabled or disabled. Containers have a physical dimension and weight associated with them that is used in Real-time Rate calculations. You would typically create a Container for each size shipping box or other container that you use to pack Products into and affix a shipping label on the outside.

liveSite has a 3-D Modeling Engine built-in that can "look" at all the Products that are being shipped to each recipient and figure out which Products and Containers will fit together into one or more larger Containers so the fewest possible shipping containers are used and thus the best Real-time Rates can be determined ahead of time and presented to the customer.

NOTE: If there are any emabled Containers, liveSite will begin using them immediately if Real-time Rates are enabled in any available Shipping Methods.

TIP: If you want to review the decisions made by liveSite to pack the Containers with Products and other Containers, you can view the results in the Site Log.v2017.1

Found in Commerce (Cont)

Create / Edit Container

Containers are used by the Real-time Rates calculator to determine the specific shipping costs for each outbound package. Containers are not required if you are going to manually preset your shipping rates.v2017.1

Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this Container for your Shipping Methods. This is not displayed to the customer. For example, you might call this "UPS Small Box", or "Poster Tube", or "2FT Square Cardboard Box". Anything is fine that helps you identify this Container when you are adding it to your Shipping Methods.
Check this box if this Container is currently available to ship Products in. You might Disable this Container temporarily if you have run out of this Container and are waiting for more to arrive. liveSite will only attempt to package Products in Containers that are enabled.

Please enter the dimensions of this Container in U.S. standardized measurements. These are the dimensions that your Shipping Carrier uses to define the dimensions of any items you are using them to ship. For most containers made of lightweight cardboard, the inner and outer dimensions will not vary enough to matter so you can enter either of these values.

TIP: To properly calculate the dimensions: Length is always the longest side of the box that has a flap. Width is the second longest side with a flap. Height is the only dimension without a flap.

Enter the actual weight of the empty Container itself in pounds (using decimals as necessary). For lightweight cardboard boxes, the weight is so marginal you can typically leave this value blank if necessary. For larger and heavier Containers, this weight will be important to calculate the Real-time Rate.
Cost: v2017.2
If you want to include the cost of the container in the rate, then you may enter that cost here. This is useful if the container is expensive. This cost will be added to the real-time rate from the carrier. Customers will only see the total real-time rate (i.e. they will not see a line item for this cost). You may leave this field blank if you don't want to charge the customer for the container cost.
Found in Commerce (Cont)

Style Designer

The Style Designer has been replaced in more recent versions of liveSite with the combination of the Page Designer + Custom Page Styles + Custom Themes to allow for other popular responsive HTML grid systems such as Bootstrap and Foundation to be used.

The Style Designer is used to create and edit System Page Styles, which are pre-built HTML grid layouts for Pages. You don't actually add your text and photos here. Instead, you add placeholders for liveSite Regions which will be replaced with your content and built-in features when a Page is displayed that uses the Page Style.

Page Style Name


Enter the unique name for this Page Style.

TIP: Create a naming system for your Page Styles so you can remember how many columns each Page Style has and add something descriptive to help you remember the important content regions that are unique to this Page Style.

Add or Remove Cells and Regions in the Page Layout below

Social Networking Position:

Select the position around the Primary System Region ("Use Page") where you would like the Social Networking features to appear. You can also select "Disable" to hide the display of the Social Networking features for this Page Style.

NOTE: The Social Networking features are enabled and configured in the Site Settings.

Empty Cell Width:

You can define the width of any emtpy cells in your Page Style, by setting the Empty Cell Width field value. You can use empty cells to create spacing between other cells. (You can leave this field blank if you want the width of empty cells to be the same as other cells in the same row which is the default.)

Page Layout:

Each Page Style is associated with a single layout when it is created. Layouts are designed for common page structures for 1 column pages, or 2 column pages with a sidebar, mobile pages, and emailer pages, for example. You cannot change a Page Style's layout after it is created, but you can create an unlimited number of Page Styles, one for every single Page if you need too!

Page Style Areas

Within all Page Style layouts, there is are certain areas that have been predefined and consistent across all System Page Styles. These areas, like Site Border, Site Header, Site Top, etc., are indicated with a solid line surrounding their area of influence. These "wrappers" give the Theme Designer the "hooks" it needs to attach graphical styling elements to these areas within all Page Styles so all Pages on the site can share common graphical elements using a single Theme.

Adding Content

To add content regions to your Page Style, simply add rows and columns to any of the predefined content areas within the layout. You do this just as you would if you were creating a table with cells in a document.

You'll notice that you can't change the rows height or the columns width. This is not necessary here. Only each region's location and relation to other regions around it is important to the Page Style. You see, the height will be determined by the amount of content you add, ever-expanding to contain whatever is placed within the regions. The width of each column, or area of the layout, is dictated by the number of cells in a row, and can be overriden by any Theme used to display the Page Style.

Mobile Page Styles are displayed with a lime-green border for easy identification. Mobile Page Styles are limited to one-column layouts since sidebars would be unusable when viewed from a mobile phone. The only difference between Mobile Page Styles and all other (desktop) Page Styles is the Site Border area has been replaced by the Mobile Border area. The Mobile Border is used by the Mobile Themes to "float" the Page content to the entire width of the device displaying it.

NOTE: You don't have to assign a content region in each area or cell. Empty areas and cells will contain nothing on the Pages that display them, however, but the space it occupies will still contain spacing and styling if defined in the Theme).


There are a number of types of "regions" you can assign to any cell in your Page Style layout. Each region replaces the cell with content when a Page is displayed that uses the Page Style. The following is a list of the regions available:

Page Regions

Page Regions are replaced with content (text and photos) you add through the Rich-text Editor. Even though you are creating and adding them on the Page Style, they are actually created for each Page when that Page is assigned to the Page Style. Page Regions are referenced in the order they are added to the Page Style, from top left to bottom right. So if you remove a Page Region from your Page Style, the remaining Page Regions will be renumbered. Since Page Regions are created within each Page, removing Page Regions from a Page Style does not delete the Page Region or it's content, it only hides it from view. (If you delete a Page Region from a Page Style, you can add it back anywhere in any Page Style and your content will reappear!)

System Regions

System Regions are replaced with the interactive features (Login Pages, Custom Forms, Calendars, Form Views, Product Catalogs, Photo Galleries, Order Forms, etc.) from the Page being displayed itself, or another Page. If a Page name is specified in the System Region, then the interactive feature (Page Type) for that Page will be inserted into that location. Alternatively, if "Use Page" is specified, then the interactive feature for any Page itself will be inserted into the location. Each Page Style must include at least one "Use Page" System Region (even if its not used).

Pages with the following Page Types are allowed to be selected for a System Region:

  • Calendar View
  • Catalog
  • Custom Form
  • Express Order
  • Folder View
  • Form List View
  • Form View Directory
  • Order Form
  • Photo Gallery
  • Search Results
  • Shopping Cart
Common Regions

Common Regions are replaced with content (text and photos) you add through the Rich-text Editor. Common Regions allow you to create content that can be shared across one or more Pages throughout your website. Common regions must be created first, and then can be added to any Page Style.

Designer Regions

Designer Regions are replaced with HTML content (javascript, etc). Designer Regions allow you to create and place code widgets that can be shared across one or more Pages throughout your website. Designer Regions must be created first, and then can be added to any Page Style.

You can embed other Regions in Designer Regions. For example, if you want to embed a Common Region in a Designer Region, simply enter "<cregion>example</cregion>" into the code of the Designer Region. This is similar to how you embed Regions in Page Styles. You can even embed Designer Regions inside other Designer Regions (only one level of embedding is supported though).

Dynamic Regions

Dynamic Regions are replaced with PHP code that will be executed by the web server. Dynamic Regions allow you to create and place PHP code that can be shared across one or more Pages throughout your website. Dynamic Regions must be created first, and then can be added to any Page Style. For security reasons, your Site Administrator must enable Dynamic Regions before they can be used.

You can have Dynamic Regions output other Regions. For example, if you want a Dynamic Region to output a Common Region, simply code the Dynamic Region to output "<cregion>example</cregion>". This is similar to how you embed Regions in Page Styles. Please be aware that Dynamic Regions cannot output Designer Regions.

Menu Regions

Menu Regions are replaced with the animated drop-down or accordion style menus you can add items to from the Edit Page screen. Menu Regions must be defined first before you can add them to your Page Styles. (See the IMPORTANT note below.)

Ad Regions

Ad Regions are replaced with the animated sliding or fading ads (text and/or photos) you can create from the Ads tab. Ad Regions must be defined first before you can add them to your Page Styles. Ad Regions are the only regions that must have a predefined width and height for it's animation to work. (See the IMPORTANT note below.)

IMPORTANT: Menu Regions and Ad Regions require an extra step after you add or even move them from cell to cell within your Page Style. Once you have added or moved a Menu Region or Ad Region within your Page Style and saved it, you need to navigate to a Page that uses your new Page Style. Then go into "Theme Preview" mode and edit your site's Theme within the Theme Designer and just resave the Theme. By resaving the Theme, the Theme Designer will generate the proper code to make the animation for your Menu Region or Ad Region work. If it is a new region, the animation may not still work, so you will need to reedit the Theme and find the fold that contains the new region and update it's dimensions until it works to your liking and save the Theme.

Chat Region

The Chat Region will be replaced by the online/offline chat buttons from the Site Settings and the built-in chat code to allow your site visitors to chat with your chat operators. This feature is a purchased upgrade. If you do not sign up for the a chat plan, the Chat Regions will display nothing and have no affect on your Page Styles. See the Who's Online feature for more information.

PDF Region beta

PDF Regions will be replaced with a PDF icon that will allow Visitors to view any Page as a PDF (e.g. to save or print). This is a beta feature that might not work for your site. This feature requires the wkhtmltopdf utility which your server administrator may install. Your server administrator may read the installation guide for more information.

Mobile Switch Regions

Mobile Switch regions are replaced with either a "Full Site" link or a "Mobile Site" link. These links are dynamic toggle the Visitor between Mobile Mode and Desktop Mode. So, for example, if the current Visitor or User is viewing the site in Mobile Mode and clicks the link, the Page will be display in the new mode and vice versa. This allows your Users and Visitors to change their mode of display at any time regardless of the device detection features of liveSite. Keep in mind that each mode displays the Page with the associated Page Style and Theme defined for that mode.

Please be aware that the mobile site setting must be enabled in order for the mobile switch to appear.

Override the activated Theme


Select a Theme if you want this Page Style to always use a specific Theme instead of the Theme that is activated for the site. This feature is useful if you are building out an area of the site that has a different design than the rest of the site or if you are working on a new site design. You may leave this field unselected if you want this Page Style to use the activated Theme for the site.

If you select a Theme for this field then the rich-text editor will load that Theme instead of the activated Theme, when editing a Page.

If you are previewing a Theme then that Theme will be used instead of this Page Style's Theme or the activated Theme for the site.

Add Additional Classes to the Body of this Page Style

Additional Body Classes:

Enter one or more CSS classes that will be included in the body tag (e.g. home dark large). You should separate multiple classes with a space, and you should not include a period before the class name. The layout and Page Style name classes will still be included in the body tag if you choose to add additional body classes. You can use this feature to add the same class to multiple Page Styles, so that you can affect all of them in a certain way.


Select the Page Style Collection (A or B) you wish for this Page Style to display. Each Page contains two independent collections of Page Regions, and other Page Properties so when a new page design requires different content and layouts, two version of the same Page can be handled by liveSite, controlled by the Page Style assigned to the active and previewed Themes.

In addition to Page Regions, the Collection also controls which content is displayed for several Collection Fields for Form List Views & Form Item Views. v2017.1

Other fields that are not listed above (e.g. "Enable Search" for Form List Views) are not affected by the Collection. This means that the setting for non-collection fields will affect both Collections.

When a User is previewing a Page Style that has a different Collection than the activated Page Style's Collection, then when the User edits the Form List/Item View, he/she will be able to edit the Collection Fields for the appropriate Collection. A notice will appear to the User on the Edit Form List/Item View screen that explains this.

NOTE: Changing Collection does not delete or remove any Page Regions or Collection Field content so you can switch back and forth between Collections without losing any content.

View Source

Page Styles are nothing more than the simple HTML page structure that will contain your content and interactivity. Click 'View Source' to take a look under the hood and the HTML code that is generated. It includes CSS classes for the Theme Designer and coders alike to "hook" their own custom CSS into to manipulate and style just about everything displayed! You can also add your own code to the Page Style's HTML <head></head> tag.

Found in Design

Create / Edit Custom Page Style

This screen displays a Page Style and it's properties.

Page Styles are created and modified by your Web Designer because it requires HTML programming experience.

Page Style can include any valid HTML code, so you can include Flash, DHTML, Javascript, images, CSS Style Sheets, and any other typical HTML web page elements.

Page Styles can be created using any popular web authoring tool such as Dreamweaver, GoLive, Coda, Coffee Cup, or any other web authoring tool or text editor that you prefer.

Code Editor

The Code Editor colorizes your code and adds line numbers to make it easier to read and debug. The Code Editor may take a while to "read" through your code and colorize it. This process is particularly slow on Internet Explorer browsers. We recommend the Firefox browser for faster editing throughout the website. It is free to download, and works on most desktop computers.

Page Style Properties

Page Style Name
Name of this Page Style.

It will be displayed in the Page Style selection field when editing a Page's Properties or a Folder's Properties. For security reasons, it is only visible to Site Managers.
HTML Page with embedded liveSite Tags
Add a complete and valid HTML page here. See below for an explanation of all the available Tags and how to use them.

Adding Tags to your HTML

One of the most powerful features of liveSite lies in the fact that you only have to add a handful of tags to your HTML page and you have done everything necessary to build an entire searchable website, complete with "my account" login privileges, membership management, e-commerce, custom forms, protected areas, calendars, photo galleries, blogs, forums, ticketing systems, and on, and on.

Here is a typical HTML page showing only the tags for clarity and not all tags are used:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
          <meta charset="utf-8">

That is all the HTML that is required to create a full-featured, database-driven website! Read on to learn more about additional tags you can add to create unique and powerful page layouts.

The Path Tag

The / tag can be inserted anywhere in your HTML and is replaced automatically with the absolute URL to the location where your system software was installed. You should always use the / tag if you need to reference any uploaded files within your HTML. This makes your links portable, so if you ever need to move the software system to another directory within your web server, your links will still work.

Let's look at a typical example.

Say you want to link to a background image file (example.png) that you uploaded through the Design Files within the Control Panel. However, you want to be sure that the link is portable because your web server administrator originally installed liveSite software into a temporary directory that looked something like this: and will need to move liveSite software to once you have setup your domain and are ready to launch the site.

So if you hard-code your link to example.png file like this: or

Then when liveSite software is moved later to another directory, this link would no longer work. So instead, be sure to link to the file using the / tag:


The / tag is only necessary within your custom HTML such as Custom Page Styles, Editable Head Content in System Page Styles, Designer Regions, and within custom CSS files. The / tag is not necessary when adding links through the Rich-text Editor. These links will be converted automatically for you when the content region is saved.

NOTE: If you are the web server administrator and move liveSite to another directory off of your webroot after installation, be sure to update your .htaccess file per liveSite's installation / update instructions.

The System Tags

When you create a new Page Style, you'll notice that we already prefill your HTML Code with a valid HTML page to get you started.  Here is a listing of all liveSite tags that you can embed within your Page Styles.


These tags must be placed between the <head></head> tags in your Page Style.

This tag will be replaced with the <meta> tags and the contents of the Page's Description and Keyword fields (or, if blank, the defaults in the Site Settings). These are typically referred to as a "meta tags" and Search Engines use this information to help classify Pages.

NOTE: There should be no spaces or characters between the set of tags.  You can only define this tag ONCE in each Page Style.

This tag will be replaced with a <stylesheet> statement and link to a style sheet file (CSS). This tag is is ideal for Site Designers of seasonal shopping sites to easily change the entire website look and feel using a single CSS style sheet.

NOTE: There should be no spaces or characters between the set of tags. You can only define this tag ONCE in each Page Style.

IMPORTANT: You must include this tag if you are using Themes, they rely on this tag to be present in the Page Style to function.
This tag will be replaced with the content of the Page's Title field (or, if blank, the default Title in the Site Settings). It will display in the Visitor's browser window (title bar area). This is typically referred to as a "meta tag" and Search Engines use this information to help classify Pages.

NOTE: There should be no spaces or characters between the set of tags.  You can only define this tag ONCE in each Page Style.

These tags must be placed between the <body></body> tags in your Page Style.

This tag will be replaced by the contents of any rotating Ads assigned to the Ad Region called name.

NOTE: There should only be the name and no spaces between the set of tags. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style. The name must exist or this tag is ignored.

TIP: We recommend that each <ad> tag should be contained within a <div> tag that defines the Ad Region's absolute height and width to restrict Ad content from compromising Page layout.
This tag will be replaced with the number of items and the subtotal of any active Shopping Cart present in the Visitor's current browser session. If there are no items in the Visitor's Shopping Cart, then nothing will be outputted. The number of items and subtotal will be linked to the last Shopping Cart or Express Order Page that the Visitor visited, if one exists.
This tag will be replaced with the shared contents of the Common Region or Designer Region called name.

Common Regions should be reserved for basic word processor content and can be edited from within any Page (that is assigned the Page Style) using the Rich-text Editor by a Site Manager.

Designer Regions should be reserved for HTML and code snippets and are can be edited from within any Page (that is assigned the Page Style) by a Site Designer.

NOTE: There should only be the name and no spaces between the set of tags. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style. The name must exist or this tag is ignored.

NOTE: You can embed other Regions in Designer Regions. For example, if you want to embed a Common Region in a Designer Region, simply enter "<cregion>example</cregion>" into the code of the Designer Region. This is similar to how you embed Regions in Page Styles. You can even embed Designer Regions inside other Designer Regions (only one level of embedding is supported though).
This tag will be replaced by the contents of the shared Dynamic Region called name.

Dynamic Regions are reserved for PHP code, required integrating third-party applications and databases into your website.  

Dynamic Regions can only be edited from within the [DESIGN] area by a Site Designer.

NOTE: There should only be the name and no spaces between the set of tags. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style. The name must exist or this tag is ignored.

NOTE: You can have Dynamic Regions output other Regions. For example, if you want a Dynamic Region to output a Common Region, simply code the Dynamic Region to output "<cregion>example</cregion>". This is similar to how you embed Regions in Page Styles. Please be aware that Dynamic Regions cannot output Designer Regions.

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, this feature is disabled and requires server authorization to enable. Please contact your Site Administrator for more information.
<?php code ?>
This tag, known as a PHP Region, will allow you to insert PHP code into the Page Style. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style.

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, this feature is disabled and requires server authorization to enable. Please contact your Site Administrator for more information.


<if view-access folder-id="123">
    Content if visitor has access.
    Content if visitor does not have access.


This if tag allows you to only display content if the Visitor has view access to a certain Folder. Simply update the Folder ID in quotes and enter your content. To find a Folder ID, you may edit a Folder and look in the address bar of your browser. The Folder ID will be a number like "123".

If you only want to output content if the Visitor has view access, then you may omit the else tags, like the example below.


<if view-access folder-id="123">
    Content if visitor has access.


The else tags allow you to output different content if the Visitor does not have view access to the Folder. If you choose to use the else tags, they must appear directly after the if tag. There may only be white-space between the closing if tag and opening else tag.

If you only want to output content if the Visitor does not have view access, then you may use an empty if tag, like the example below.


<if view-access folder-id="123"></if>
    Content if visitor does not have access.


You may include other regions and tags in the content.

This feature works for all of the different types of Folder access control, including Guest, Registration, Membership, and Private. If a User has edit access to a Folder, then the User also has view access.

This tag will be replaced with the Login Region called name. Login Regions allow you to integrate the Login Page functionality into any Page.  This is useful if you have a Membership site and want to provide quick access for your Members to login from your home page.

Login Regions can only be edited from within the [DESIGN] area by a Site Designer.

NOTE: There should only be the name and no spaces between the set of tags. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style. The name must exist or this tag is ignored.
This tag will be replaced with the shared contents of the Menu called name.

Menus allow you to create single and multi-level, javascript-animated menus for your website areas as necessary.

Menus can be edited from within any Page (that is assigned the Page Style) by a Site Manager.

NOTE: There should only be the name and no spaces between the set of tags. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style. The name must exist or this tag is ignored.
This tag will be replaced with "previous" and "next" arrows that allow the viewer to navigate between the Pages of your website. The navigation arrows correlate with the Menu Items for the Menu called name, and the sequence is based on the ordering of the Menu Items. This is useful if you want your site viewers to be able to navigate your website in a sequential fashion.

NOTE: If you have more than one Menu Item linking to the same Page, then only the first Menu Item that links to the Page will be in the sequence.
<pdf></pdf> beta
This tag will be replaced with a PDF icon that will allow Visitors to view any Page as a PDF (e.g. to save or print). This is a beta feature that might not work for your site. This feature requires the wkhtmltopdf utility which your server administrator may install. Your server administrator may read the installation guide for more information.
This tag will be replaced with the contents of the next Page Region found within the Page.

Page Regions are reserved for basic word processor content and can be edited from within any Page (that is assigned the Page Style) using the Rich-text Editor by any Content Manager with "edit" access to the Folder where the Page resides.

NOTE: There should be no spaces or characters between the set of tags. You can define this tag as many times as necessary within each Page Style.

IMPORTANT: Unlike all other regions, you do not create Page Regions manually. They are created automatically when a Page is created, and the number of Page Regions created is determined by the number of Page Region tags found in the Page's selected Page Style.  If you change the Page's Page Style later, the number of Page Regions will grow if necessary, but never shrink. Page Regions are never deleted until the Page itself is deleted.
<system>page name</system>

This tag will be replaced with the dynamic system content for the Page's interactive Page Type (like a Custom Form, Photo Gallery, Calendar View, Order Form, Cart, etc).

If a Page name is not specified in the System Region, then the interactive Page Type for the Page the viewer is currently viewing will be used. This is known as a Primary System Region.

Alternatively, if you enter a Page Name in the System Region, then the interactive Page Type for that Page will be used instead. This is known as a Secondary System Region. Pages with the following Page Types are allowed to be entered in Secondary System Regions:

  • Calendar View
  • Catalog
  • Custom Form
  • Express Order
  • Folder View
  • Form List View
  • Form View Directory
  • Order Form
  • Photo Gallery
  • Search Results
  • Shopping Cart

There is no limit to the number of System Regions you can have on a Page.

The properties of the Page Type can be edited from within the Page by any Content Manager with "edit" access to the Folder where the Page resides.

TIP: It is a good idea to add this tag in all Page Styles since it is so important to the function of your interactivity and ignored if not necessary.

IMPORTANT: This tag is required within any Page Style in order to enable the Comments feature for it's Pages.

Controlling System Regions

The info that appears in System Regions is often controlled by query string parameters in the URL. For example, let's say that you have setup a Form List View of contacts at a school. If a Visitor searches for "athletics" on that Page, the URL will appear like the example below, where "123" is the ID for the contacts Page.

This will result in only contacts appearing that match "athletics".

Query string parameters affect both Primary & Secondary System Regions. You can use this to your advantage. For example, let's say that you have an athletics Page that describes the Athletics department at your school, and you want to embed a list of people/contacts, in the athletics department, at the bottom of that page. You could enter the contact info manually in a Page Region, but then you would have an extra area of contact info that you would have to manage. A better solution would be to add a Secondary System Region for the contacts Page like the example below.


Then, if you link to the athletics page, like the example below, where "123" is the ID for the contacts Page, only the athletics contacts will be shown.

The problem with this solution is that the URL is long and dirty. You would probably prefer a clean URL like the example below.

Fortunately, there is an even better solution. You can use a PHP region in the athletics Page Style to set query string parameters, without the parameters having to appear in the URL.

<?php $_REQUEST['123_query'] = 'athletics'; ?>

Now, you can simply link to the URL below and only athletics contacts will be shown.

You can also use this solution for other types of query string parameters. For example, if you want to set an advanced search filter on a Form List View, instead of the simple search query, for more precise filtering, you can use a solution like the example below, where "123" is the ID for the contacts Page, and "department" is the advanced search field name.

    $_REQUEST['123_advanced'] = 'true';
    $_REQUEST['123_department'] = 'athletics';

You can find the ID of a Page in the address bar, when editing the Page properties.

Often, when you are controlling System Regions via the solution described above, you don't want to show various UI elements (e.g. simple search field, advanced search area), because you don't want to allow the Visitor to change them. Fortunately, you can hide UI elements with CSS, like the example below, for a Form List View.

    .software_rss_link {
        display: none;
<tcloud>search results page name</tcloud>
This tag will be replaced by a Tag Cloud. A Tag Cloud is a list of Common Keywords or "Tags" in your site. When a Tag is clicked then the user will be sent to the Search Results page that was entered between the <tcloud></tcloud> tags.

Web Browser Keywords for Pages will be included in Tag Clouds for Search Results Pages that do not search Products. Search Keywords for Products and Product Groups will be included in Tag Clouds for Search Results Pages that search Products.

NOTE: If a Search Results page name was not entered between the tags then the first Search Results page that is found will be used for the tag.

NOTE: Anytime a Page that has "Include in Site Search" enabled is modified then it's Web Browser Keywords, if any, will be added to the Tag Cloud.

NOTE: Anytime a Product or Product Group that is being searched by a Search Results page is modified then it's Search Keywords, if any, will be added to the Tag Cloud.

Smart Cache

If you want files to be automatically refreshed when they are updated, so a visitor does not have to clear their cache, then you can reference the files with the Smart Cache feature.  Below is an example of how to reference a JS file.  Simply update the file name in bold with your file name.

<script src="/<?=smart_cache('example.js')?>"></script>

This feature can also be used with other types of files, like CSS files.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/<?=smart_cache('example.css')?>">

Smart Cache is automatically enabled for your theme when you load your theme via the <stylesheet></stylesheet> tag.

Additional Options

Select the Page Style Collection (A or B) you wish for this Page Style to display. Each Page contains two independent collections of Page Regions, and other Page Properties so when a new page design requires different content and layouts, two version of the same Page can be handled by liveSite, controlled by the Page Style assigned to the active and previewed Themes.

In addition to Page Regions, the Collection also controls which content is displayed for several Collection Fields for Form List Views & Form Item Views. You can find the Collection Fields below. v2017.1

Form List View
  • Header
  • Layout
  • Footer
  • Advanced Search Layout
Form Item View
  • Layout

Other fields that are not listed above (e.g. "Enable Search" for Form List Views) are not affected by the Collection. This means that the setting for non-collection fields will affect both Collections.

When a User is previewing a Page Style that has a different Collection than the activated Page Style's Collection, then when the User edits the Form List/Item View, he/she will be able to edit the Collection Fields for the appropriate Collection. A notice will appear to the User on the Edit Form List/Item View screen that explains this.

NOTE: Changing Collection does not delete or remove any Page Regions or Collection Field content so you can switch back and forth between Collections without losing any content.

Override Layout Type:

Each Page has a Page Property for the Page Layout Type (System or Custom). You can use this option to override the selection in each Page's Page Property. When you are creating a new look for your site pages, you may want to change the Layout Type to Custom for your existing Pages if they are set to System. Using this override in combination with Theme Preview Mode, you can effectively create and test your new design cross your existing Pages without affecting what other site visitors see.

NOTE: Selecting the System or Custom Override Layout Type will not delete or remove any Layout data so you can go back and forth. However, each Page only has one System Layout and one Custom Layout, so this option will have no effect if you try to override a Custom Layout with another Custom Layout or a System Layout with another System Layout for the same Page.

Social Networking Position:

Select the position around the Primary System Region ("Use Page") where you would like the Social Networking features to appear. You can also select "Disable" to hide the display of the Social Networking features for this Page Style.

NOTE: The Social Networking features are enabled and configured in the Site Settings.

Fixing a Broken Login Page

Since even liveSite itself uses a Page Style to define the Login Page for Site Administrators and Designers, if you accidentally remove the <system></system> tag from the Login Page's Page Style, you will not be able to login to your website!

If this happens, you can use the login URL shortcut to login:

Be sure the first thing you do once you have logging is add the <system></system> tag back into the Login Page's Page Style anywhere in the <body>, so you and your other Users can use the Login Page again!


The ghost feature allows a user to complete an order without having his/her info autofilled and saved to his/her account. This is useful for when a user needs to complete an order for someone else but can't simply logout, because the user needs to be logged in to access a private page or allow offline payment during the order process.

In order to enable the ghost feature, add the following to a page style or designer region that appears at the start of the order process for the user.

<?php $_SESSION['software']['ghost'] = true ?>

If a user needs to exit ghost mode, see options below.

  • User can log out.
  • User can close all browser windows.
  • You can add code below to end of process (e.g. order receipt).
<?php $_SESSION['software']['ghost'] = false ?>
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