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My Submitted Forms

This screen displays all the form data collected or imported from any Custom Form Pages that you have access to.

You can collect an unlimited number of Submitted Forms from any Custom Form Page.

Submitted Forms can be searched, filtered, viewed, and exported by any User that has Form Management rights to the Folder that contains the Custom Form Page (that produced the Submitted Form).

Viewing Submitted Forms

You can view any Submitted Forms that you have access to.

Creating Submitted Forms

A Submitted Form is created when a Custom Form Page is submitted successfully.

Importing Submitted Forms

You can import Submitted Forms using a simple spreadsheet file (CSV text file).

Exporting Submitted Forms

You can export Submitted Forms into a text file and view them in a spreadsheet program.

You can filter the data that you want to export by using the Search and Advanced Filters located at the top of the screen.

Once you are satisfied with the filtered form data, click the [Export Forms] button.

NOTE: You can only export Submitted Forms for a single Custom Form at a time since the column values must match in the export file for it to be useful. Also, Information fields and File Upload fields are not exported.

Deleting Submitted Forms

Select the Submitted Forms you wish to delete and click "Delete Selected".

NOTE: When you delete Submitted Forms, the associated Custom Form Page is NOT deleted.

WARNING: Take care when deleting Submitted Forms, there is no undo. Once you confirm the deletion, the form data (and any uploaded form files) are gone!

TIP: You might want to export the Submitted Forms to create a backup copy of the data before you delete it. However, exporting the data will NOT export any uploaded form files (that may have been uploaded through the Custom Form Page).

Edit Submitted Form

This screen displays a Submitted Form. You can view all of the properties and edit any of the form data.

Submitted Form Properties
Custom Form:
This is the name of the Custom Form that this Submitted Form data is based on.

NOTE: This is not the same as the name of the Custom Form Page where the Custom Form lives.
Reference Code:
This is a unique ID that is assigned to this Submitted Form when it was stored in the database.  This can be used to search and find this data, and it can also be displayed as a confirmation number to the Submitter.


This shows whether the Submitted Form is Incomplete or Complete. A Submitted Form is marked as Incomplete when the Custom Form save-for-later feature is enabled and the Submitter clicks the "Save for Later" button. An Incomplete status indicates that the Submitter is not done with the Submitted Form and plans to complete it later.

When the status is Incomplete, then a "Save for Later" and a "Complete" button will appear at the bottom of this form. The "Save for Later" button will save changes and leave the status as Incomplete. The "Complete" button will save changes and update the status to be Complete. Also, the "Complete" button will complete the Custom Form actions, including E-mail Submitter, E-mail Administrator, and Auto Campaigns.

When the status is Complete, then a "Save" and an "Incomplete" button will appear at the bottom of this form. The "Save" button will save changes and leave the status as Complete. The "Incomplete" button will save changes and revert the status to be Incomplete.

The Submitter can always edit his/her Incomplete Submitted Forms via a Form Item View.

Tracking Code:
If found when the Custom Form was submitted, this Tracking Code will identify what ad or landing page the Submitter found that brought him/her to the Custom Form Page.
Affiliate Code:
If found when the Custom Form was submitted, this Affiliate Code will identify any Affiliate link that the Submitter clicked on prior to submitting the Custom Form.
Referring URL:
If found when the Custom Form was submitted, this Referring URL will identify what web page the Submitter was visiting prior to submitting the Custom Form.
Member ID:
If found a Member submitted this Custom Form, their Member ID can be used to identify the Submitter.
IP Address:
This is the IP Address of the Submitter. This is useful in case you want to add a malicious Visitor's IP Address to the banned IP address list in the site settings. This will prevent the Visitor from submitting Custom Forms in the future. You can also use the IP address to look up info about the Submitter online (e.g. his/her geographical location).
Submitted Date:
This is the Date and Time when the Custom Form was submitted.
Last Modified Date:
This is the Date and Time when the Custom Form was last modified.
Form Editor:
If you would like to specify a User who may edit this Submitted Form, even if they don't have to access to any other submitted form data, then you may enter their username in this field. Please take note of the following:
  • The Form Editor will only be able to edit this Submitted Form from a Form Item View Page. Control Panel access to the Forms tab is not granted.
  • The Form Editor will not be allowed to delete the Submitted Form.
  • The Form Editor will be notified by e-mail if/when a Comment is added to a Form Item View Page for this Submitted Form, just like the Comment Moderator.
  • The Form Editor will be allowed to enter any "Added by" name when adding a Comment to a Form Item View Page for this specific Submitted Form.
  • The Form Editor will be allowed to view published & unpublished Comments for this specific Submitted Form.
  • The Form Editor will be allowed to set the publish option (i.e. Now, At a Scheduled Time, or Maybe Later) when adding a Comment for this specific Submitted Form.

TIP: This feature allows a User to have access to edit a specific Submitted Form, without having access to all Submitted Form data for a particular Custom Form.

Submitted Form Data
Custom Form Field #1:
Listed here will be all of the Custom Form fields that this Submitted Form was based on.
Custom Form Field #2:*

Any required fields for the Custom Form will have an asterisk(*) next to it and must have a value to save your edits.



File Upload Fields

For file upload Fields, if there is no existing file, then you can upload a File. If there is an existing file, you can replace the File and possibly delete it. The delete option only appears if the Field is optional (i.e. not required). If the Field is required and you need to delete the File, you can temporarily update the Field to be optional or you can delete the File from the Files tab, if you have access.

Import Submitted Forms

You can Import Submitted Form data from your local computer using a simple spreadsheet file.

The CSV text file format is a universally accepted way to move data between systems, and since most spreadsheet and database programs can import/export CSV text files, it is an ideal way to exchange data.

Select Formatted Text File to Upload
CSV File:
Browse and select the CSV file from your local computer that contains the Submitted Form data you wish to import.

If you are creating a CSV file from a spreadsheet file, each column in the FIRST row of the spreadsheet must match a Field Name from the Custom Form.  Once a field match is found, the same column for all additional rows will be imported into the database for that Field.  This matching of fields continues for all columns in the first row. When complete, a new Submitted Form that will be created for each additional row of data found.

If you are importing data for a field that can contain multiple answers (i.e. pick list with multiple selection or check box), you can include multiple answers by separating them with a comma (e.g. Apple, Banana, Pear).

Please use the formats below for the following types of data.

Date: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2016-02-14)
Time: hh:mm (e.g. 17:15, 24-hour format, no AM/PM)
Date & Time: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm (e.g. 2016-02-14 17:15)

NOTE: The columns can be in any order.
Select the Custom Form
Custom Form:
Select the Custom Form that contains the Form Definition (fields) that will be imported.


File Upload Fields

If the Custom Form has a file upload field, then you might want to connect the Submitted Forms to Files. First, upload all of the necessary files via the Files tab. Next, enter the file name, for each file that has already been uploaded, in the file upload field column in the CSV file. When files are uploaded into liveSite underscores are inserted for spaces in the file name, so make sure the file names in the CSV file are correct.

Please be aware that a Submitted Form may not be connected to a Design File or a File that is already an Attachment. Also, you must have edit access to the File's Folder in order to connect it to a Submitted Form.

Limitations when importing Submitted Forms

There are two methods for collecting Submitted Form data.  The most common is to capture a Submitted Form each time a Custom Form Page is submitted through the website. The other method is to import the Submitted Form data from a file.

There are some limitations when importing Submitted Forms:

  • If any Form Fields are set to "Connect to Contact", Contacts and User accounts are not updated.
  • No Custom Form Page work-flow features or auto-responders are triggered.

The status for all imported Submitted Forms is set to Complete. It is not possible to import Incomplete Submitted Forms.

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