Select Plan


Site Settings

This screen contains all site-wide settings and defaults for your website. Only Site Managers / Site Designers / Site Administrators can access and update these settings.

Subscription ID:
This field allows you to activate your Software Subscription which will update the license for your site. You will be given a Subscription ID when you purchase a Software Subscription or a Hosting Plan. If you have not been given a Subscription ID, then you do not need to enter a value. Generally, once you have activated your subscription, liveSite will automatically check your subscription daily for updates. For example, if you order an upgrade, your subscription will eventually be updated automatically to support the additional upgrades. Alternatively, you may click Activate again at anytime to update your subscription manually.
Domain Name:
This field might appear when you activate your subscription. It is used in order to assign a Domain Name to your site's license. Your site will only be accessible at this Domain Name or the Alternate Hostname below.
Alternate Hostname (optional):
This field will appear if you are hosting liveSite on your own server and you activate your subscription. It is used in order to assign an Alternate Hostname to your site's license. For example, when you are building your site, you might need to access the site at an Alternate Hostname, because the website has not been launched at the Domain Name yet.
Displays the hostnames (e.g. domain names, IP addresses) that are valid for this license. Accessing this website from another hostname or IP address will result in an error.
Site Editors:
Displays the number of Users with management rights. Management rights include Administrators, Designers, Managers, or Users with access to manage Folders, Pages, Files, Calendars, Forms, Visitors, Contacts, Users, Campaigns, Commerce, Ads, or Design areas.
Displays the number of total Pages that have been created.
Displays the total number of Orders that have been created and stored.
Custom Forms:
Displays the total number of Custom Form Pages that have been created.
E-mail Recipients:
Displays the total number of Subscribers that have been included in an E-mail Campaign and the total number allowed.
NOTE:The usage is a cumulative total that is increased each time a new recipient (unique e-mail address) is included in any Campaign. This means that you can include each existing Subscriber in as many Campaigns as you wish.
Disk Usage:
Displays the total amount of disk space used by uploaded files in your site. This number includes all files in the both the "Files" and "Design Files" areas.
Website IP Address:
This is the internet IP address location of your website. If you are ready to launch your website, you will need to point your domain to this web server address.

Example: If your Website IP Address is, and your website domain was Login to your domain name registrar account, and modify your DNS settings and add/modify the "A" record to point to this Website IP Address:
Numeric IP
@ (None)
* (All Others)

NOTE: Typically, in less than 24 hours, your changes will take effect across the Internet, and your Visitors begin to be directed to this web server by accessing this website using either,, or

IMPORTANT: This is not the same as your DNS Server Address, so you should not need to change your Primary DNS Server or Secondary DNS Server address.

TIP: If your registrar allows you to also change the TTL, set it to the lowest number they allow. This value sets the minutes between updates, and therefore instructs the DNS servers to update their information more quickly.
This should be set to your website's domain name. For example, would be appropriate - don't add the "http://" on the front or any trailing characters after the domain name.

NOTE: If you are accessing this website through a temporary domain name, you must set this to the temporary domain name (like ""). When you point the DNS settings of your permanent domain name to this web server to launch your website, change this value to your permanent domain name (like "").

Please be aware that if you enable secure mode below, then this hostname is used when Visitors are forced into secure mode, so make sure this hostname is always correct.

Secure Mode:

Check this box if you are publishing or collecting sensitive information and you want all interactions with this website to be secure. If a Visitor attempts to access any address at your website insecurely, he/she will be automatically forwarded to the secure version of that address.

IMPORTANT! Do NOT enable this until you have an SSL certificate enabled for your domain name on your web server. You may click the "verified" link to the right of this check box in order to test if your SSL certificate is ready. If you receive any errors or warnings about the SSL certificate or if the lock icon does not appear in your browser then it is not ready, so do not check this check box. If you enable Secure Mode before your SSL certificate is ready, you might be locked out of your website.

NOTE: For PCI Compliance, you should also check this box if you are using any e-commerce features. When checked, all payment information is kept safe by liveSite, which will automatically be encrypted when transmitted over the Internet.

Please be aware that if you enable secure mode, then the hostname value from the field above is used when Visitors are forced into secure mode, so make sure the hostname value above is always correct.

If you uncheck secure mode and then click save, you might be logged out of liveSite. If this happens, secure mode was disabled and the settings were saved properly, however liveSite had to log you out so you can start a new session with secure mode disabled. You can simply log in again if you need to.

Support E-mail Address:

This e-mail address in the "From" field of all outbound e-mails sent by liveSite for administrative tasks such as sending user passwords, order receipts, auto-responders, etc. (This is not used for Campaigns).


You can enable DKIM, for improved email delivery, by uploading a private key file in liveSite as "dkim.key". There are resources online that can help you with generating a private key. Make sure to upload the private key into a private folder. The DKIM domain is the domain on the end of the Support E-mail Address. The selector is "livesite". You will also need to add a DNS record like below for the domain in the Support E-mail Address.

Type: "TXT"
Name: "livesite._domainkey" or "livesite._domainkey.[]" depending on DNS provider's control panel.
Value: "v=DKIM1;k=rsa;p=[public key goes here]"

This is the default Page Title. This can be overridden by any Page. Search engines will display this text on the link in their search results, and web browsers at the top of their window bar.
Meta Description:
This is the default Page Description. This can be overridden by any Page. Search engines will display this text on the link in their search results.
Meta Keywords:
This is the default Page Keywords. This can be overridden by any Page. Search engines will use these keywords to find matches for their searches. You should add up to ten keywords with a comma between them. More keywords are typically ignored by the search engines.
Enable Mobile:
Enable this option once you have your mobile site setup and you want to enable mobile detection and the mobile switch. This option will also enable the mobile button in the toolbar. You should disable this option if you do not wish to have a mobile site.

Mobile detection allows your site to detect mobile visitors and automatically switch to the mobile version of your site. Please be aware that you will need a Pro or Elite hosting plan or a software subscription for mobile detection.

The mobile switch is the button that appears on Pages that allows your Visitors to switch between desktop and mobile modes. If you disable this option then the mobile switch will not appear. Please be aware that you must also add a Mobile Switch Region to the appropriate Page Styles in order for the mobile switch to appear, however this is already setup for you in the default Page Styles that come with liveSite.

Even if you disable mobile, you will still have the ability to setup your mobile site in the control panel. For example, you can switch between desktop and mobile mode via the "show mobile"/"show desktop" links on the All My Pages screen (near the Page Style column heading), and you may set the mobile Page Style for a Page. This allows you to build your mobile site without general Visitors being able to access it. Once you are ready to launch your mobile site, you may enable this option.

Enable Social Networking:
Select this option if you wish to enable the display of social networking buttons on your website.

Social Networking is a great way to allow visitors to your website to share your Page content with the public. We make this easy and flexible. Not only can you select exactly what social networking buttons and features you want to enable for your website audience, but you can also select the positioning of the buttons on your Pages. Since best practices dictate that these buttons should be positioned next to the content to be shared, you can easily display the buttons around the Primary System Region ("Use Page") of any Page. The Primary System Region is the perfect anchor location for the buttons since it typically contains a Page's unique content and is the only region required to be present on all Page Styles.

See Pages Styles for more information about positioning your social networking buttons on your Pages.

Please be aware that the social networking buttons will only appear on a Page if all of the following conditions are met:

  • At least one social networking service is enabled.
  • The Page is in a Public Folder.
  • The Page has one of the following page types: Standard, Folder View, Photo Gallery, Custom Form, Form List View, Form Item View, Form View Directory, Calendar View, Calendar Event View, Catalog, Catalog Detail, or Order Form.
  • The Page contains a "Use Page" System Region (see below for more information).
  • The Page is not being sent as an E-mail Campaign.
  • For visitors with edit access, edit mode must be disabled for the social networking buttons to appear. The buttons are disabled in edit mode for maximum performance for the editor.

Please make sure that the Hostname in the Site Settings is set to the correct/standard hostname for your website, because it will be used in all URL's that are shared.

TIP: Some times one or more of these social networking sites can be slow in responding, or offline temporarily. This will slow performance of your web pages because data is fetched from these sites each time one of your (Public) Pages is loaded. If you find your (Public) Pages loading slowly, consider disabling one or all of the social networking sites temporarily until these sites are back to responding quickly again.

Simple: Select this option if you would like predefined social networking buttons to appear on your Pages.

Advanced: Select this option if you would like to add your own social networking code to appear on your Pages.

If you choose the "Simple" setup option, a button will appear for each service that will allow your website Visitors to share your website Pages with other people. A number may also appear next to each button which indicates the total number of times that the Page has been shared through that social networking service.

When you enable Facebook, a send button and a like button will appear. The send button is used for privately sharing a link with groups and individuals, and the like button is used for publicly sharing a link on your profile.

Facebook sometimes displays an image next to a comment that someone has added when "liking" a Page. For Catalog, Catalog Detail, and Order Form Pages, Facebook will use the image that is set in the Product Group or Product properties. For all other types of Pages, Facebook will try to automatically find an image on the Page.

If you choose the "Advanced" setup option, you can add you own HTML code snippet to this area for complete control over your social networking buttons.

There are two special tags that you can include in your code snippet to embed the appropriate website content links dynamically:

Include this special tag to your code where necessary and it will be replaced with a link to the content to be shared when the page is displayed.

<rss>[RSS code goes here {rss_url}]</rss>
Include this special tag to embed the RSS feed link that might be present in the content to be shared. If no RSS feed exists, this special tag code will not be outputted.

Here's an example of using the special tags within a code snippet from

<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style" addthis:url="{url}">
  <a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:count="false"></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_linkedin"></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_email"></a>
  <a class="addthis_button_print"></a>
  <rss><a class="addthis_button_rss_follow" addthis:url="{rss_url}"></a></rss>
  <a class="addthis_button_compact" addthis:ui_click="true"></a>
  <a class="addthis_counter addthis_bubble_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Check this box is you want to enable spam protection for forms. Spammers use unprotected web forms in an attempt to use another's website to post and broadcast their own advertising. To combat this malicious technique, you may enable this feature in order to have a CAPTCHA displayed for any site visitor that is not logged into the website. The CAPTCHA asks a simple challenge question that the visitor must answer correctly in order to submit the form.

If this feature is enabled, then the CAPTCHA will be displayed on the following types of forms:
  • Custom Form
  • Add Comment
  • E-mail a Friend
  • Registration Entrance (Register)
NOTE: The CAPTCHA will not be displayed to you if you are logged in.
Enable Auto Dialogs:
Check this box is you want to enable Auto Dialogs. An Auto Dialog is a dialog (also known as a "popup") than can automatically appear on top of your Pages for Visitors. Once you enable Auto Dialogs, a link will appear under the Pages tab, that lets Administrators, Designers, and Managers manage Auto Dialogs. If you are not going to use Auto Dialogs, then it is recommended that you uncheck this box, in order to increase performance.
Require Strong Password:
Check this box is you want to require all Users to create strong passwords to protect their account. Strong passwords must contain:
  • at least 10 characters
  • at least 1 capital letter
  • at least 2 numbers
  • at least 1 non-alphanumeric character (e.g. !, @, #, $, %)
If you deselect this box, the User is allowed to create passwords of any length and value.

Once you enable this feature, it will only affect new Users and Users who choose to manually change their password. It does not affect Users who have a password that was set before you enabled this feature. They may continue to login with their old, possibly weak password.

NOTE: If the User does not meet these requirements when changing their account password, these requirements will be displayed.
Allow Mass Deletion:
Check this box is you want to allow users to mass delete multiple items in a single click using the "Delete Selected" feature on Control Panel screens.
Allow Password Hint:
Check this box if you want to allow Password Hints to be added/viewed Visitors are registering or Users are changing their password.

WARNING: This is a potential security risk. If the User enters personal data, it could be displayed to anyone attempting to login to the website.
Allow Remember Me:

Check this box if you want to have the website remember the User on their computer so they don't have to login each time they visit the website. A User will no longer be remembered once the User logs out.

The remember me check box on a login form will be unchecked by default when the Visitor views a login form for the first time. If the User logs out and views a login form in the future, then the remember me check box will be set, by default, to whatever selection the Visitor selected the last time.

WARNING: This is a potential security risk. If the User leaves their computer unattended, someone could go to the website and get access to their User account without being prompted to login first. To protect against this, be sure your website managers click "logout" from the Control Panel and this feature will be reset.

Forgot Password Link:
Select this check box if you want to allow your Users to request their password be e-mailed to them.  If enabled, this link will appear on all Login Pages.

NOTE: To keep passwords secure, the original password is deleted and a new temporary password is generated and e-mailed to the User. They will then be instructed to change their password the first time they log in with the temporary password.
Verbose Database Errors:
Select this check box if you are experiencing database errors and would like to display the actual errors returned from the database server (instead of the "user-friendly" error messages).
Site Search Type:
The Site Search Type allows you to select the method in which your website pages are indexed which will change the type of content that is found and displayed on the Search Results Page Type pages. Both Site Search Types will only include pages that are marked "searchable" in their page properties, and/or all Product Groups and Products of the Product Group that is selected. In addition, only Pages and Files that the Visitor or User searching has access too will be included in the results for that person. (See Search Results Page Type for more information).

Simple: Select the Simple option to only search Page Region content (of the searchable pages) and/or Products within the optional Product Group selected. This is the default Search Type because it does not require any additional setup on the web server to keep the index up to date.


Select the Advanced option to search ALL site content with in the scope of the Site Search Results Page. This will index all regions, files, file attachments, and traverse every link found that is the searchable Pages. This feature will find and index Comments, Views, Calendars, Photo Galleries, and all other Page Types and content. It will also index and find content with files, such as .doc, .docx, .xls, xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .txt, etc.

Advanced Site Search requires additional setup or a cron job on your web server to keep it's index up to date. Please contact your site administrator for more information on getting this setup. If you are a Site Manager/Site Designer/Site Administrator, then you can also update the index manually at any time from the Pages Tab. There you will find the "Update Search Index" button.

Proxy Address:
If all website communication must travel through a proxy server within your local area network, enter the proxy IP address here. Otherwise, leave it blank, which is typically the correct setting. Contact your network administrator for this value.
Default Badge Label:
Please enter a word that you wish to be used as the default "Special" users badge. You can enable or disable the badge and enter a specific badge label for a User on the create/edit/import user screen. If you enter a specific badge label for a User, then it will be used instead of this default label. If you change this default label then the badge for all Users that don't have a specific badge label will be updated instantly to use this default label.
Banned IP Addresses:

This feature allows you to block certain Visitors from completing certain actions on your website. For example, if you want to prevent a certain Visitor from completing Orders, because the Visitor completes fraudulent Orders, then you can simply enter his/her IP address in this field. You can find a Visitor's IP address by looking at the Visitor record in the Visitors tab or the Order record in the Orders tab.

A banned Visitor will still be able to browse your site, however he/she won't be able to complete any of the actions below.

  • Login
  • Register
  • Register as a Member
  • Add Comment
  • Submit Custom Form
  • Complete Order

When the Visitor attempts to complete one of the actions above, he/she will receive the following error: "Sorry, we were not able to accept your request." The error is purposely vague so that the Visitor does not realize that he/she can change their IP address in order to complete the action. A Site Log entry is added each time a Visitor attempts to complete an action that he/she is not allowed to complete. You can find the Visitor's IP address in the Site Log if you need to unban the Visitor.

Date & Time
Current Site Time:
This is the current time that is configured for this site. You can change the current site time by changing the timezone and date format below. The time will not be updated until you save your changes and refresh this screen.
Please select the default timezone that you want to use for your site. Dates & times will appear for the selected timezone for all Visitors that do not select their own timezone. Users may select their own timezone on the My Account Profile Page. An abbreviation for the selected timezone will appear on the end of dates & times (e.g. CST). You may leave "Server Default" selected if you want liveSite to always use the web server's default timezone.

liveSite will automatically handle daylight saving time for your selected timezone. You do not need to change the timezone for daylight saving time.

In general, when entering dates & times into forms throughout liveSite, you should enter the dates & times for the timezone that is selected here. For a few features in liveSite (e.g. Calendar Event start & stop time, Submitted Form date & time fields on Views), liveSite does not know which timezone was intended by the User who created the item, so timezone info is not displayed. If necessary you can add content to mention the timezone to your Visitors.

Date Format:
Please select the format for dates that your Visitors will understand best. This format will be used for both the entry of dates and the displaying of dates throughout liveSite. When displaying dates, this option will be used to determine the correct order of date components for both numerical format ("2/14" or "14/2") and written/long format ("February 14" or "14 February").
Rich-text Editor
Editor Version:
This is the version of the Rich-text editor that will be used. It is recommended that you leave this field set to "Latest", so that you get the full benefits of using the newest version of the Rich-text editor. However, if you notice any issues with the "Latest" Rich-text editor, then you can switch to the "Previous" version.
Font Selection:
Select this to make the font selections drop-down menu visible within the Rich-text Editor.
Font Size Selection:
Select this to make the font size selections drop-down menu visible within the Rich-text Editor.
Font Style Selection:
Select this to make the font style selections drop-down menu visible within the Rich-text Editor.
Font Color Button:
Select this to make the font color button visible within the Rich-text Editor.
Background Color Button:
Select this to make the background color selection button visible within the Rich-text Editor.
Spell Checker Engine:
Specifies the spell checker engine for the Rich-text Editor, when the previous editor is selected. There are several different external spell checker services which might be used (e.g. Google). If an active spell checker engine cannot be found, then the spell checker will be disabled automatically.

Please be aware that this value only applies to the previous editor. If latest editor is selected, then the browser's native spell checker is used (i.e. no external service is used).

TIP: Disabling Font & Color Selections prevents Content Managers from using their own styling for content when using the Rich-Text Editor. This is ideal for Site Designers that wish to maintain consistent styling of content throughout the website. If you disable this feature, be sure to add Custom Formats to your CSS stylesheet file for Content Managers to use instead. These Formats appear as a drop-down menu within the Rich-text Editor.
Registration Contact Group:
When a person registers on your website (completes a Registration Entrance Page), a Contact is automatically created for the newly registered User. The Contact will be assigned to this Contact Group.
Registration E-mail Address:
When a person registers on your website (completes a Registration Entrance Page), you can have a copy of the Registration Confirmation Page e-mailed to this address. This provides a way to audit new website registrations in real-time.

TIP: If you need to notify more than one person when a registration occurs, you may create a forwarding email address that forwards to multiple addresses, and enter that forwarding address here.
Member ID Label:
Specify the text label that is displayed to the left of the Member ID field on your Membership Registration Page.

TIP: This feature allows you to alter how the Member ID field label will be displayed. For example, you might label this field "Account Number", "Customer No.", or "Membership #".
Membership Contact Group:
When a person registers on your website (completes a Membership Entrance Page), a Contact is automatically created for the newly registered User. The Contact will be assigned to this Contact Group.
Membership E-mail Address:
When a person registers as a Member on your website (completes a Membership Entrance Page), you can have a copy of the Membership Confirmation Page e-mailed to this address. This provides a way to audit new website memberships in real-time.

TIP: If you need to notify more than one person when a registration occurs, you may create a forwarding email address that forwards to multiple addresses, and enter that forwarding address here.
Send Expiration Warning E-mail to Members:
Enabling this option will automatically send a warning e-mail to each Member before their membership expires. The Membership E-mail Address will also recieve a Blind Carbon Copy of the e-mail message when it it sent.

NOTE: You must enable the Membership scheduled task (also known as a "cron" job) for this feature to work. Please contact your web server administrator for assistance.
Enter the subject line of the e-mail to be automatically sent each day to any expiring Members.

NOTE: The expiration date will be appended automatically to the subject line when the e-mail is sent.
Select the Page that will be e-mailed to each Member when their membership is close to expiring. (See the Send field below.)
Enter the number of days before memberships expire that will be used to determine when each expiring member is automatically e-mailed their membership expiration warning page (above).

NOTE: Since you can manually change a Member's expiration date at any time, if you do, and change it to a date previous to when an expiration warning message would have been sent, then no expiration warning e-mail will be sent to that Member.
Enable Forms:
Deselect this option if you are not using Custom Forms and would like to hide the [FORMS] tab from the Control Panel.
Enable Calendars:
Deselect this box if you are not using the Calendars features and wish to hide the [CALENDARS] tab from the Control Panel.
Enable Ads:
Deselect this box if you are not using the Ad features and wish to hide the [ADS] tab from the Control Panel.
Organization Name:
Enter your organization's name that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization Address 1:
Enter your organization's street address (line 1) that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization Address 2:
Enter your organization's street address (line 2) that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization City:
Enter your organization's city that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization State:
Enter your organization's state/province that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Organization Zip Code:
Enter your organization's zip/postal code that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
NOTE: This Zip Code is also used for the Real-Time Rates shipping method feature as the "origin zip code" required by the shipping carriers. v2017.1
Organization Country:
Enter your organization's country that will be added to each e-mail message footer of every e-mail Campaign.

NOTE: This is required for CAN-SPAM Act compliance and cannot be removed.
Opt-In Label:
This is the text message that is displayed next to the opt-in check box on E-mail Preferences, Billing Information, and Express Order Pages where Contact's can choose to opt-in to receive any future e-mail Campaigns.

NOTE: The opt-in check box only appears on the Billing Information and Express Order Pages if a Contact does not exist for the Visitor (e.g. new visitor) or if the Visitor is opted-out, so that Visitors are not encouraged to opt-out. Also, the opt-in check box is always checked by default.
Plain Text Footer:

This is a text message that will appear by default near the bottom of all plain text campaigns. For example, you might want to enter a common signature that you want to appear for all Campaigns. You can include full web addresses (e.g. in this message in order to add links. Most email clients will convert the web addresses to links.

When a User creates a Campaign or a Campaign Profile this message will be automatically entered into the body. The User may then edit or remove this message for each individual Campaign or Campaign Profile.

The message you enter here will appear above the required footer that contains your organization's contact info and the email preferences link. Spacing will be automatically added above and below this message, so you do not need to enter spacing here.

Please be aware that if you update this message, the updated message will only be available to Campaigns or Campaign Profiles that are created in the future. You can edit the body of the Campaign or Campaign Profile in order to update the footer for items that were created in the past.

Enable E-Commerce:
Select this check box to enable the [COMMERCE] tab in the Control Panel. Unselecting this option does NOT disable the e-Commerce features in your website. This option is only used to unclutter the Control Panel.

IMPORTANT: To accept credit card information on your website, you will need to upgrade your hosting plan to include a secure server environment so your customer's personal information can be safely transmitted over the Internet. This includes a dedicated IP address and a Secure Server (SSL) Certificate for your domain name. Contact your hosting provider for more details and pricing.
Select this check box if you wish to allow Customers to change the Currency displayed on all Pages that display product and order pricing information. Please be aware that transactions are sent to your payment service/gateway in the base Currency (i.e. not the Currency that the Customer selected). Currencies and the base Currency are managed in the Commerce tab. Exchange rates can be updated each day automatically.
This enables tax to be calculated and displayed on the appropriate Commerce Pages.
Allow Tax-Exempt:
You can give your Customers the option of removing tax from their own Orders. If selected, the "Tax-Exempt?" check box will be available to your Customers on the Billing Information Pages and Express Order Pages.

TIP: You might use this features to set up a separate checkout process for your resellers.
Tax-Exempt Label:
Enter the text message that will be displayed for the Customer next to the Allow Tax-Exempt Check box field (above).

For example: "Check this box if your organization is exempt from sales tax."
Check this box if there are any "shippable" Products purchased through your website. This will display shipping subtotals on any Express Order Pages, Order Preview Pages, or Order Receipt Pages.

NOTE: Shipping subtotals will be hidden automatically if there are no "shippable" Products in the Shopping Cart Page, regardless of this setting.
Recipient Mode:
Single Recipient: If you wish to only allow one recipient (shipping address) per Order, check this box.

Multi-Recipient: If you wish to allow unlimited recipients (shipping addresses) per Order, check this box.
USPS Web Tools User ID:
When you sign up for a USPS Web Tools account you will be given a User ID. Enter that User ID here so that liveSite can access your USPS account to verify shipping addresses and show real-time rates and estimated delivery dates. Please be aware that you do not need to enter a password.
Verify US Addresses:
During the checkout process this feature will verify that shipping addresses and billing addresses that are entered by the customer are valid. This feature will also format the address to match the USPS mailing standards for faster delivery.

This feature requires a USPS Web Tools account that is approved to use the Address Standardization service. Please contact for more information. Once your account has been approved by USPS, you must enter your USPS Web Tools User ID in the field below, in order for the feature to work.

NOTE: You will know when the feature is working when you enter an invalid address and you receive an error. When the feature is working, shipping addresses are standardized and converted into upper-case. Alternatively, billing addresses are standardized and converted into proper-case. If there is a communication or authentication problem, liveSite will assume that the address is valid and will not display an error to the customer. Communication and authentication errors will appear in the Site Log.
Select what you want to happen if the USPS says the address is invalid. "Warning" will display a red notice to the customer that will recommend that the customer correct the address, however the customer will be given the option to continue with the, possibly, invalid address if he/she believes the address is correct. Sometimes the USPS database might not be entirely up-to-date so this type of enforcement ensures that customers will still be able to submit an order if they believe the address they entered is correct.

"Error" will display a red notice to the customer that will recommend that the customer correct the address. The customer will be advised to contact you if they believe the address is correct. The customer will not be allowed to continue until they correct the address.
If you are going to use Real-time Rates to determine your customer's shipping costs during their checkout process on your website, please complete the following information so liveSite can communicate securely with UPS. Contact UPS for more details.
Access Key:
This is the unique access code value you will retrieve from your UPS online account.
User ID:
This is the unique User ID you will be assigned by UPS for your online account.
This is the unique password for your UPS User ID.
Account Number:
This is your account number that is assigned to you by UPS.
If you want to show real-time estimated delivery dates during the checkout process, please complete the following information so liveSite can communicate securely with FedEx.
Key from FedEx.
Password from FedEx.
Account Number:
Account Number from FedEx.
Meter Number:
Meter Number from FedEx.
Product Restriction Message:
If one or more shippable Products in the Shopping Cart Page cannot be shipped to the recipient's address (determined by the Product's Allowed Zones), this message will be displayed under the Product in question on the Shipping & Arrival Page.

For example: "We're sorry. The item you have selected cannot be shipped to the desination you selected. You will need to remove the item to complete your order."
No Shipping Methods Message:
If one or more shippable Products in the Shopping Cart Page cannot be shipped to the recipient's address (determined by the Shipping Methods), this message will be displayed under the Product in question on the Shipping Methods Page.
End of Day Time:
This is the hour and minute of each work day when Orders for the day are no longer processed on the same day (logistically from your physical warehouse). In theory, Orders received after this time will not be processed by your staff until the next day, so in that case, 1 will be added to the Arrival Date calculation. The current site time is displayed so that you can set the time more accurately.

TIP: This feature works in conjunction with the Arrival Date entered and displayed on the Shipping & Arrival Page. This feature allows you to let your Customer's enter a requested arrival date and liveSite will ensure that the Products can be delivered to each recipient in time, or prompt your Customer to make a different selection.
Next Order Number:
This is the Order Number that will be assigned to the next Order successfully submitted. It must be a numerical value without spaces.
E-Commerce E-mail Address:
When a Customer submits an Order, and the Order Receipt Page is displayed, this e-mail address will receive a copy of the Order Receipt Page that has been e-mailed to the Customer. This provides a way to audit new Orders in real-time, or send copies of all Orders to a mailbox automatically.

TIP: If you need to notify more than one person when an Order is placed, you may create a forwarding email address that forwards to multiple addresses, and enter that forwarding address here.
Accept Gift Cards:
Select this option to accept Gift Cards (i.e. virtual/email Gift Cards from this system and/or physical Givex gift cards) as a form of payment for Orders. You can setup a Product that allows a customer to email a virtual Gift Card to a recipient. A customer can order the Gift Card Product and specify the different options for the Gift Card during the Order process (e.g. recipient email address, message). Then, the recipient will receive the email Gift Card with the code that he/she can use to redeem at your website, on the Order Preview Page or the Express Order Page.

Multiple Gift Cards can be redeemed on the same Order. Also, if the customer's gift card does not have enough balance to cover the entire order total, the customer will be required to select another payment method (i.e. Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, or Offline Payment) to supplement the payment.

Customers will not be allowed to redeem a Gift Card for an Order that only contains other Gift Cards. The customer will need to add a Product, other than a Gift Card Product, to his/her Order, in order to redeem Gift Cards. This prevents customers from purely ordering a Gift Card with a Gift Card (i.e. regifting).
Validity Length:
Enter the number of days that a new Gift Card is valid for. When a Gift Card is purchased this value will be used in order to calculate the expiration date. The expiration date is calculated starting from the email delivery date that the customer selected. You may leave this field empty for no expiration. Check applicable laws for information regarding Gift Card expiration.
Accept Givex Cards:
If you want to also accept physical gift cards via Givex, then select this option. Givex offers branded physical gift cards that can be mailed to your customers and redeemed online. Your customers can enter a gift card code (found on their physical gift card) on the Order Preview Page or the Express Order Page.

NOTE: To setup Givex gift cards, create an account with Givex at They will provide you with the Primary Hostname, Secondary Hostname, User ID, and Password. Enter this information and the feature will be enabled.
Credit/Debit Card:
Select this option in order to accept credit/debit cards online. In order to accept credit/debit cards, you should have an SSL certificate and have Secure Mode checked above, so that credit/debit card information is encrypted during transmission.

If a payment gateway is selected below, then the transaction will be processed automatically by the payment gateway. In this case the card number and verification number will not be stored in order to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

If you do not select a payment gateway, then liveSite will simply capture credit/debit card information and not complete a transaction. For PCI DSS and security reasons, we recommend only using this feature for testing, with test credit/debit card info and not real card info. liveSite will attempt to validate that the credit/debit card type and numbering scheme is legitimate, but it does not actually attempt to determine if the card has any funds available. The card number will be encrypted in the database, if the MCrypt PHP extension is enabled. If necessary, you can remove the card data, via the All Orders screen. Only Commerce Managers, Site Managers, Site Designers, and Site Administrators will have access to the stored information.
Accepted Cards:
Select the payment card processors (credit/debit) that your merchant account (and/or bank) will accept on your behalf.
  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Discover Card
  • MasterCard
  • VISA
NOTE: If you are using a payment gateway, be sure that your selections match those approved by your payment gateway provider.

TIP: You can enable both PayPal Express Checkout payments AND credit/debit card payments on your website.
Payment Gateway:
None to accept Orders without processing payments in real-time. Recommended only for testing with test card data.

Otherwise, select one of the following supported payment gateways to authorize and/or capture credit/debit cards payments in real-time at the point of purchase:
  • ClearCommerce / PayFuse
  • First Data Global Gateway (formerly LinkPoint / YourPay)
  • Paypal Payflow Pro
  • PayPal Payments Pro
  • Sage (Sage Payment Solutions, not Sage Pay)
  • Stripe (this system does not support recurring payments with Stripe at this time)
NOTE: If you are looking for PayPal Express Checkout, then please see further below in the site settings. PayPal Express Checkout is considered a "payment method" instead of a "payment gateway". It can be used along with a payment gateway.

Payment Gateway Setup

If you are using a gateway like "Stripe" or "PayPal Payments Pro", that does not require a merchant account or bundles it for you, then simply create an account with one of those services, and then skip to Account Credentials section below. Otherwise, if the gateway requires a merchant account first, then see info below.

Merchant Account

Apply for an Internet Merchant Account with your depository bank. (You do not need to purchase the banks' third-party gateway or software. They will try to tell you that you need it, but you do not!)

The Internet Merchant Account will allow you to connect your website with the banking system so that payments made through your website can to be deposited securely into your bank account.

You will need your bank to send you the following upon approval:
  1. Your banks' Processor
    (Paymentech - Salem; Vital; Nova; FDMS South; American Express; Global Payments - Central; Global Payments - East; FDMS North; Paymentech - Tampa; American Express Brighton; or TeleCheck)
  2. Processors' Merchant ID (also called an "M.I.D.")
  3. Processors' Terminal ID (also called a "T.I.D.")
  4. Bank Cards agreements (for example, accepting American Express requires a separate contract for fees).
Once you have this information from your bank, contact one of the supported payment gateways (above) and apply for an account with them. They will need this information in order to set up an account for you. Each payment gateway requires a service contract and the fees will vary. Please contact them directly for more information.

Account Credentials

Now, enter the payment gateway account credentials they provided you and the website will be ready to accept payments online:
  • API Login ID and Transaction Key from
  • Client ID, User ID, and Password from ClearCommerce / PayFuse
  • Store Number and PEM File from First Data Global Gateway (formerly LinkPoint / YourPay)
  • Partner, Merchant Login, User, and Password from Paypal Payflow Pro
  • API Username, API Password, and API Signature from PayPal Website Payments Pro
  • Merchant ID and Merchant Key from Sage
  • Stripe: API Key. Enter the "Test Secret Key" from their control panel if you want to submit test transactions or enter the "Live Secret Key" if you want to submit production transactions. Do not use the "Publishable Key".
NOTE: We do not charge a processing fee for any transactions you collect through the website.
Transaction Type:
Authorize: To validate the credit/debit card and place a "hold" for the amount of the order total, which may need to be adjusted. The funds are captured at a later date.

Authorize & Capture: To always capture payment at the point of purchase.
Sandbox: Order payments are sent to the payment gateway, but the card is NOT actually charged. Select this option when you are using the PayPal Payments Pro payment gateway and you want to submit test Orders using real credit card numbers.

Live: Select this option after you have verified that test Orders have been successfully processed through the payment gateway and you want valid credit cards to be charged in real-time.
Enter a percentage for this field if you want to charge an extra fee when a customer uses the credit/debit card payment method. A surcharge is normally used in order to offset the cost of processing fees for credit/debit cards. The surcharge will be calculated based on the percentage of the total of the Order. The surcharge will then be added to the total that the customer will be charged. The surcharge amount will appear to the customer as a line item on the Order when the customer checks out.

The surcharge only applies to non-recurring transactions for the credit/debit card payment method. The surcharge does NOT apply to recurring transactions and transactions through other payment methods (e.g. PayPal Express Checkout, Offline Payment). You should check the laws and credit/debit card policies that apply to your organization to determine if you are allowed to add a surcharge and what percentage you are allowed to add.

You may leave this field empty if you do not want a surcharge.
Reset Encryption Key:
Check this when you want to reset the key that is used for encrypting credit/debit card numbers in the database. Credit/debit card numbers are only stored in the database when you do not use a payment gateway. You should only be storing test card numbers for testing purposes. For PCI DSS and security reasons, we do not recommend storing real card numbers. When you check this, a new encryption key will be generated which replaces the old key, and all existing and future card numbers in the database will be encrypted with the new key.

An initial encryption key is automatically generated when liveSite is first installed. The encryption key is stored in the config.php file and should not be modified or shared with anyone. Please do not attempt to update the encryption key in the file yourself. liveSite will automatically generate and update the key in the file for you. If the site is moved to a new server, please be aware that you will need to maintain the same key in the file in order to access card numbers.
PayPal Express Checkout:

Select this option if you want a PayPal payment method to appear on the Express Order or Order Preview Page. When the Customer selects the payment method, then he/she will be forwarded to PayPal's website to make payment. On PayPal's website the Customer will have the option of either paying by credit/debit card or paying with their PayPal account. The Customer will not be required to log in or sign up for a PayPal account, if he/she chooses to simply pay by credit/debit card. The Customer will be forwarded back to your website after completing payment on PayPal's website.

PayPal Express Checkout is good if you don't want to hassle with getting a merchant account from your bank. The advantage to accepting PayPal is that your international customers and others that don't trust you with their credit card information will likely purchase from you. The disadvantage over a payment gateway is that PayPal is actually collecting the funds and you are paid at a later date.

To use PayPal Express Checkout you simply need a PayPal business account. You can generally convert any PayPal account into a business account for free. Once you have the correct account type, then follow their processes in order to get an API Username, API Password, and API Signature for PayPal Express Checkout. Once you have that information, then enter it into the site settings here.

Please be aware that you can enable both the credit/debit card payment method and the PayPal Express Checkout payment method at the same time. The credit/debit card payment method will allow you to take credit/debit cards directly on your website, normally with a payment gateway account, and the PayPal Express Checkout payment method will allow your Customers to pay via credit/debit card or their PayPal account on PayPal's website. The two payment methods will appear as two different choices on the Express Order or Order Preview Page.

With PayPal Express Checkout the entire ordering process (e.g. adding Products to the cart, checking out, order receipt), except for making payment, will still take place on your website.

The billing address is not sent to PayPal because PayPal does not support that. In some cases, if the shipping address is passed to PayPal, PayPal will prefill billing fields with the shipping address.

Shipping address/information will be sent to PayPal if shipping is enabled and shipping is in single recipient mode or there is only one recipient for the order and that recipient is "myself". PayPal may use this shipping information to prefill fields or show information to the Customer.

Information for all Products in the Order (e.g. description, price) will be sent and should appear to the Customer on PayPal's site. Product information is only sent if there is no gift card applied to an Order, due to complications with PayPal concerning gift cards.

Allow Offline Payments:
This feature will allow your customers to complete an Order without having to provide payment information at that time. This is useful when invoicing customers is required for specific customers or large purchases.

Since all orders and customers may need to be treated differently, you can:
  1. Allow offline payments for all orders.
  2. Allow the customer to choose their payment method for each order.
  3. Specify that specific orders can be placed using the Offline Payment method.
NOTE: If you want to specify which orders can be placed using the Offline Payment method, you can do this through the User accounts. Users who have access to "Allow User to set offline payment option for orders" will be able to enable and disable this feature for any incomplete order created by selecting the "Allow offline payment option for this ..." that appears to them when they view an incomplete order through the Shopping Cart or Express Order Page.
Only on specific orders:
This will either allow or disallow offline payments automatically for all customers.

NOTE: This setting can be overridden for specific Orders by selecting the "Allow offline payment option for this Cart" while on the Shopping Cart or Express Order Pages. Also, this setting can be overridden for all Orders through a particular Page via the "Always Allow Offline Payments" Page property for Order Preview and Express Order Pages.

Grant Private Access:

If you want all Customers that complete an Order to be given view access to a private Folder, then you may select the Folder here. Their access will not expire. liveSite will not notify the Customer about their access, so you might need to include a message on the Order Receipt and/or link them to their private area after they complete an Order.

For example, if you only want Customers, that have ordered, to be able to submit a support ticket Custom Form, you could place that Custom Form in a private Folder and select that Folder here.

Reorder/Retrieve Order Next Page:
When a Customer clicks "reorder" from a Order View Page, or retrieves a Saved Cart from their My Account Page, this is the Page that you can direct them to so they can begin your checkout process.

TIP: This is usually an Express Order Page.
Enable Reward Program:
This feature allows you to setup a reward program where any Users can accumulate reward points for each purchase of certain Products. Once the specified number of points (the goal) are accumulated for a User, they can be granted Membership for a specified amount of time and/or sent an e-mail. You can set reward points for a Product by editing the Product.
Set the number of points that each User must accumulated before they will receive their reward.
Grant Membership:
Select this option if you would like to grant access to all Membership Folders to each User if they meet the Goal.
Membership Length:
Enter the number of days that will be added to the User's Membership when the Goal is met.
Send E-mail:
Select this option if you would like to send an e-mail to each User if they meet the Goal.
BCC E-mail Address:
Enter an e-mail address that will receive a Blind Carbon Copy of the e-mail sent.
Enter the subject line of the e-mail to be sent.
Select the Page that will be sent when the Goal is reached by each User.
Custom Product Field #1/2/3/4 Label:

Enter a label here if you need your own fields for Products for internal staff purposes. For example, if you need a field for Products that contains a code for the location of a Product in your warehouse, you could enter "Warehouse Code" for the label. Once you enter a label here, you will want to create/edit/import Products where you can enter values for the custom fields for each Product. The values for custom Product fields do not appear on the front-end of the website for Customers. They are purely for internal staff use, with the one exception that they do appear on the packing slip, which Customers might receive. Custom Product field values can be managed and viewed in the following areas.

  • All Products
  • Create/Edit Product
  • Import/Export Products
  • Export Orders
  • View Order
  • Print Packing Slip

You may leave these fields blank if you do not want custom Product fields to appear throughout liveSite.

Affiliate Program
Enable Affiliate Program:
Check this box to enable the Affiliate Program and display Affiliate Commissions.
Default Commission Rate:
Set the default commission rate assigned to every future Affiliate when they are approved.

TIP: This rate can be manually changed for each Affiliate at any time (through their Contact), and each Product can override this commission rate as well.
Automatically Approve Affiliates:
Check this box if you want all Affiliates approved instantly upon submitting an Affiliate Sign Up Form.

Deselect this check box if you want to notify the Administrator for manual approval instead.
Affiliate Contact Group:
When a person signs up to be an affiliate, (completes the Affiliate Sign Up Form), a Contact is automatically created for the newly registered User. The Contact will be assigned to this Contact Group.
Administrator E-mail Address:
Specify the e-mail address for the person that will be responsible for approving and managing the Affiliates. They will automatically be sent all approval requests and sign up form notifications.

TIP: If you need to notify more than one person when an application is submitted, you may create a forwarding email address that forwards to multiple addresses, and enter that forwarding address here.
Group Offer:
Select an optional Group Offer from any existing Offer Code. Group Offers allow you to strengthen your Affiliate Program by offering discounts to the affiliate's referrals.

Here's how it works: If a Group Offer is selected, every time an Affiliate Signup Form Page is submitted (e.g. a new affiliate), liveSite will instantly create a corresponding Key Code to this Group Offer using the affiliate's own Affiliate Code. This allows any shopper that uses the Affiliate's Code when ordering to not only provide the affiliate with commission, but also receive a discount as defined by the Group Offer. This concept creates more incentive for the shopper to use the Affilite's Code since it doubles as an offer code too. Promoting this unique concept to your affiliates will produce more traffic and orders.
Enable Visitor Tracking:
Select this check box if you want to collect website visitor statistics for the Visitor Reports found in the [VISITORS] tab.

TIP: If you are not interested in who is visiting your website, you can turn this off to improve performance of your website.
Tracking Code Duration: v2017.2

Enter the amount of time, in days, that the tracking code and UTM tags should be remembered for a Visitor. The default is 30 days.

For example, if you set this to 30 days, then when a Visitor visits a URL with a tracking code (e.g., the tracking code will be stored in a cookie for 30 days. If the Visitor comes back to your site within 30 days then any actions that the Visitor completes will be connected to the tracking code. For example, if the Visitor completes an Order, then the Order will contain the tracking code, and the tracking code will get credit for the Order in Order Reports.

If the Visitor visits a new URL with a new tracking code or UTM tags, then the old info will be forgotten and the new info will be remembered for the duration you set here.

Before v2017.2 tracking codes were always remembered for 6 months.

Pay Per Click Tracking Code Flag:
This flag (text from within a tracking code) is used by all Visitor Reports to determine what tracking codes are considered "pay-per-click" visits to your website.

Lets say you place an ad on a search engine or other website and you want to track the referring paid clicks vs. the free clicks. You want to apply that tracking information to create a Visitor Report to determine how many Pages, Orders, Submitted Forms, or Membership Registrations, for example, were received from the specific website or ad.

To do this, you might create a link to a page and tracking code like this: "/home?t=ppc_google_ad_number1"

If you set this flag to "ppc_", then any visits with a tracking code that contains "ppc_" would be considered a pay-per-click referral, and will appear as such on all Visitor Reports.

TIP: The flag only modifies the Reports, and not the underlying visitor data, so you can change this flag at any time and the Visitor Reports will be recalculated for you.
Web Analytics URL:
If you have integrated a third-party statistics program like Google Analytics into your website, this feature will place a handy bookmark to that service's website. Just enter a URL to the site's login page and a link will appear within the Visitors tab for your Visitor Report Managers to see.
Enable Google Analytics:

If you would like to track your site visitors with Google Analytics, sign up for a Google Analytics account, and then check this check box and enter the Web Property ID below. Once enabled, a snippet of code will be added to all Pages (except during e-mail campaigns), which will allow Google Analytics to track your site Visitors.

Also, once enabled, ecommerce data (i.e. order totals and items) is automatically sent to Google Analytics. This allows you to view ecommerce data in your Google Analytics account (e.g. track revenue from visitors). You must also enable ecommerce tracking in your Google Analytics control panel for this to work. Data for non-recurring products and recurring products where the first payment is on the order date will be sent to Google Analytics. Data for recurring payments in the future will not be included, because Google Analytics does not support it.

Web Property ID:
You must enter a Web Property ID in order to enable the Google Analytics feature. You may find the Web Property ID within your Google Analytics account. The Web Property ID (also known as the UA Number) normally has the following format: UA-XXXXXX-YY (where the X's represent the account number and the Y's represent the profile number).
Search Engine Optimization
Additional sitemap.xml Content:
This system automatically generates sitemap.xml content for Pages that have been set to be included in the sitemap.xml file, however if you have content outside of this system that you want search engines to know about, then you may enter that additional sitemap.xml content here. You should only include <url> elements, like the example below. Do not include parent elements (e.g. <urlset>) or other code.
The sitemap.xml file may be accessed at the following location:
Additional robots.txt Content:
This system automatically generates robots.txt content in order to point search engines to the sitemap.xml file, however if you need to add additional robots.txt content you may enter it here. The robots.txt file may be accessed at the following location:

MailChimp Settings

This screen allows you to setup a MailChimp sync, so that customers, orders, and products are automatically exported to MailChimp regularly.  This allows MailChimp to know which customers are ordering and what products they are ordering, so you can target campaigns to those customers.  This also allows you to include products in your MailChimp campaigns.

A new member will be created in MailChimp for each customer.  They will be opted-in or opted-out based on their selection in liveSite during the order process.  Customers that opt-out during the order process, will still be added to MailChimp so you can still send transactional (non-marketing) campaigns to them.

This feature requires that a cron job (job.php) be enabled.  It should run about every 5 minutes.

MailChimp Sync:
Check this box to enable the sync.
API Key:

Enter the API Key from the MailChimp control panel. You may need to create an API key first.

List ID:

You can find your List ID (or Audience ID) in the MailChimp control panel settings page for the list (or "audience").

Store ID:

If you have an existing store setup in your MailChimp account, then you can enter it here. Otherwise, you can enter a new store name and liveSite will create it in your MailChimp account. You can use your domain name ( as the Store ID.

Historical Sync:

Set how may days in the past liveSite should sync orders with MailChimp. For example, if you want to send the past 3 years of orders to MailChimp, then enter 1095.

Limit Sync:

Set the maximum number of orders that liveSite should send to MailChimp, each time the cron job (job.php) runs. For example, the cron job might be setup to run every 5 minutes, so in that case liveSite will send that number of orders every 5 minutes. You don't want to enter a huge amount, because it will cause the cron job to run for a long time, which might cause issues. 200 is a good value.


Once you enable the MailChimp sync, then liveSite will first send historical orders to MailChimp. Once liveSite is done sending historical orders, then you will want to come back and enable Automation, so MailChimp will know it is now safe to send Automation campaigns for future orders.

Automation is a feature in MailChimp that allows a campaign to be sent when a certain action is completed (e.g. completed order). Of course, you probably won't want Automation campaigns to be sent for historical orders.  So, you need to leave it disabled until all historical orders have been exported.

You can monitor the liveSite Site Log to determine once liveSite has completed exporting historical orders.  liveSite adds a log entry each time the cron job exports orders to MailChimp.

Building custom website solutions for organizations of all sizes for over 25 years.